蒔絵品の大コレクター 「マリー・アントワネット」Large collector of lacquer work Maki-e 「Marie Antoinette」


Did you know that Marie Antoinette, a world-famous person in history, was actually a collector of lacquer work Maki-e?

マリー・アントワネット Marie Antoinette



Marie Antoinette is the queen of King Louis XVI of France.

In Japan, I think she is a historical person who is quite widely known not only for world history classes at school, but also for the manga “The Rose of Versailles” and the performances of the Takarazuka Revue.


Her refined fashion, luxurious lifestyle, and what she was good at in the arts and crafts world of Paris are still handed down.

彼女の人生の大枠↓Outline of her life ↓

年 Year歳 Age出来事 Event
1755ウィーン生まれ Born in Vienna
The eleventh daughter of Roman emperor Francis I and Maria Theresia, Grand Duke of Austria
Marriage of convenience with the grandson of King Louis XV of France
Become Marie Antoinette, Crown Princess of France
Husband Louis XVI coronates to king and becomes queen
177821第一子 長女 マリー・テレーズ・シャルロット誕生
Birth of the first child, the eldest daughter Marie Therese Charlotte
178124第二子 長男 ルイ・ジョゼフ・ド・フランス誕生
Birth of the second son, Louis Joseph de France
Inheriting lacquer relics from his mother Maria Theresia
178527第三子 次男 ルイ・シャルル誕生
Birth of the third son, Louis Charles
178628第四子 次女 ソフィー・ド・フランス誕生
Birth of the fourth child, Sophie of France
178729第四子 次女 ソフィー・ド・フランス 病死
Fourth child Sophie of France died of illness
178932フランス革命始まり マリー・アントワネットの周りの貴族、国外へ亡命
The beginning of the French Revolution Nobles around Marie Antoinette, asylum abroad
Her eldest son dies of illness
The royal family, including Marie Antoinette, attempted asylum but were taken back to France
Outbreak of the French Revolutionary War
Confined life in a monastery
179337革命裁判により処刑される Being sentenced to death by a revolutionary trial
Second son Louis Charles (Louis XVII) dies of illness

蒔絵との出会い Encounter with Makie

「私はダイアモンドより漆器」”I want lacquer ware rather than diamond”



The encounter with Marie Antoinette’s lacquer work is said to have been influenced by her mother Maria Theresia.

Her mother,Maria Theresia is also famous as a person who was particularly fascinated by lacquer ware when it spread to the royal aristocrats of Europe.




It is said that Maria Theresia was crazy about lacquer ware, saying, “I want lacquer ware rather than diamonds.”

I’m not sure if I really said this, but I’m very happy as a person involved in lacquer.

The Austrian empress Maria Theresia is said to have set up a “lacquer room” at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna and bought her own collection.


I haven’t been to Schönbrunn Palace yet, but it’s one of the places I want to visit.

シェーンブルン宮殿「漆の間」Vienna Schönbrunn Palace “Urushi Room”



As you may know, there is Pen of the Year, a series that can be said to be the pinnacle of the brand that has continued since 2003 by the writing instrument maker Faber-Castell of Germany.

The theme of what was released in 2016 in the series was “Vienna Schönbrunn Palace”.


The fountain pen, which was finished with a gold coat and was manufactured at a fixed price of 1 million yen / 120 worldwide, is based on the image of “Urushi room” that Maria Theresia loved.




Not all are lacquered, but the lacquered part and lacquer work are done by Japanese lacquer artist Tomizo Saratani.

It seems that both Tokyo powder and Kanazawa powder were used for gold powder in the lacquer work “Hira-makie”.

I think that “Urushi room” will be introduced in various ways to posterity in this way.


母の形見 Mother’s relics



Marie Antoinette is said to have received about 50 lacquerware as a relic in 1781 from her mother. Marie Antoinette was also fascinated by her lacquer work, and she started her own collection.

It is said that the number of items collected by herself, including her mother’s relics, was close to 100, surpassing that of her mother.



It is said that the Palace of Versailles had her private room called “Golden Room” following Marie Antoinette’s bedroom, where lacquerware was displayed.

I can imagine that instead of keeping it in a safe place, I would put it close to me and look at it or love it.

マリー・アントワネットコレクション Marie Antoinette Collection


The Marie Antoinette collection is a collective term for collections inherited from her mother Maria Theresia and those collected by Marie Antoinette for two generations.


This collection was collected for a short time after Marie Antoinette took over from her mother until the great war of the French Revolution. From the perspective of her life, it is considered to be a collection collected in the midst of dizzying events such as her repeated births and the death of her beloved child.



She also protects her collection during the revolution by instructing art dealers to move furnishings, including lacquer ware, to another location for repair and packaging. And one month after her execution, it was decided to put it in the Royal Museum and a catalog was created.

In this way, Marie Antoinette can still be seen even now because she thought it was important to leave it to posterity.



Makie may have been the best healing for her.

The collection is still carefully held at the Palace of Versailles Museum in France.


Given that Marie Antoinette was fascinated by lacquer work in her mid-twenties, I personally think that lacquer work may be attractive to younger people.

蒔絵コレクションの特徴 Features of the Makie Collection

  • 質・量ともにヨーロッパ随一
  • 輸出用制作品に加え、国内流通品も含められている
  • 手の平に収まる小型漆器が主流
  • Europe’s best in both quality and quantity
  • In addition to export products, domestic distribution products are also included.
  • Small lacquer ware that fits in the palm of your hand is the mainstream


It is said that when Marie Antoinette collected the collection, it was a time when lacquer work was made to order (until the early Edo period), but it was shifted to production in anticipation of the market.



It is probable that the lacquer work produced by trial and error and the improvement of technology was lined up in the shop, and it was brought back to Europe.

In addition, the Marie Antoinette collection mainly consists of relatively small small lacquer work.



It can be said that the number of collections has increased further because the craftsmanship is tightly packed in a small base, and you can take good care of it, look at it, and love it.

Everyone may want to collect them if they are all one-of-a-kind and have different designs and shapes.


When I saw the Marie Antoinette collection at the Suntory Museum of Art in 2008, I didn’t have much knowledge, but I still remember being very impressed.



I think so at the exhibition through the glass, so I think that Marie Antoinette’s own euphoria, which she loved while actually holding it in her hand and feeling the lacquer sticking touch, was even more amazing.

In any case, I think that the Japanese lacquer work that you can take good care of in this way is once again wonderful.

参考写真:同時代制作の東京国立博物館所蔵蒔絵品 Reference photo: Maki-e from the Tokyo National Museum, produced at the same age (Edo-period in Japan)


I’d like to have a photo of the Marie Antoinette collection, but unfortunately I can’t show it due to copyright issues. I think the exhibit at the time of the “Maki-e Small Box” exhibition at the Kiyomizu Sannenzaka Museum in Kyoto is the closest work. You can see a beautiful poster, so I will post a link. ↓


I think that Marie Antoinette will continue to be handed down as a historical figure, so I would like many people to see it when there is an exhibition of lacquer work and so on. ..

参考文献 References

  • サントリー美術館図録 『japan 蒔絵 宮殿を飾る東洋の煌めき』,2008


※The image of Marie Antoinette this time uses a copyright-free image.


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