日展 2021 The Japan Fine Arts Exhibition 2021
The official name is “The Japan Fine Arts Exhibition”, or “Nitten”(in Japanese) for short.
In fact, “Nitten” also has a section called “Craft (Kogei) Art”, where masterpieces using lacquer art techniques are exhibited every year. Many people have a strong image of traditional crafts when it comes to “lacquer”, and many may not know that lacquer art is in the “Nitten”.
Until I did lacquer art myself, I didn’t go to see “Nitten” because it had a conservative image. However, since I started lacquer, I go to see as much as possible every year as an exhibition where I can learn how to use lacquer with many artistic elements. It has a different charm from the traditional craft exhibition.
“Nitten” is an exhibition with a history of 114 years, which has continued since the 40th year of the Meiji era, although the name has changed. (As of 2021)
The year that is considered to be the beginning of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition is the year after Japan has been focusing on Japanese crafts and arts, and the number of people in the Imperial Household Artist System has been increased.
Today’s Japan Fine Arts Exhibition is exhibited every year at the National Art Center, Tokyo, marking the 100th anniversary of 2007. After the exhibition in Tokyo, it will be exhibited in major cities in Japan.
I haven’t been to exhibitions in other cities, but at the National Art Center, Tokyo, it takes a lot of time to see only one of the five categories. Many of the works are large, so if you look at all the departments, it will take about a day and the venue will be from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor.
Of course, I would like to introduce all the works, but I will give up because there are many works. I would like to introduce my particularly noticeable lacquer work, including the work process and impressions that can be inferred.
It’s just a personal impression, so I’d appreciate it if you could use it as a reference.
工芸美術 Craft “Kogei” art
In the craft art department, there are various forms, materials, and techniques. And this year’s exhibition of craft art was 443 points. Of these, 34 were newly selected. The number of new selected was 7.6% of the total number of crafts and arts departments, but I thought that there were a lot of “new winner” because of all the masterpieces. It seems that the percentage of new winners was second only to the Japanese painting category.
工芸美術部門に属する分野 ↓ ・陶磁・漆・染・織・彫金・鍛金・鋳金・木・竹・ガラス・人形・七宝・紙 ・革・刺繍・パッチワーク・アクリル・石 ↑上記の分野は伝統工芸展にはない分野です。 また展示の仕方も伝統工芸展が、専門分野ごとに展示されるのに対して、 日展では全ての専門分野の作品が混ざり合って展示されています。 そこもまた面白いポイントかもしれません。 Fields belonging to the craft art department ↓ ・ Ceramic, lacquer, dyeing, weaving, engraving, forging, metal casting, wood, bamboo, glass, dolls, cloisonne, paper ・ Leather ・ Embroidery ・ Patchwork ・ Acrylic ・ Stone ↑ The above fields are not in the traditional craft exhibition. Also, as for the way of exhibition, while the traditional craft exhibition is exhibited for each specialized field, At the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, works from all specialized fields are mixed and exhibited. That may also be an interesting point.
The title of the Creator in the headline will be omitted. The point of interest is my personal point of view, so I think it will differ from person to person.
卵殻の力作 Eggshell masterpiece
豊海 健太『In a Cell』(新入選)Kenta Toyoumi “In a Cell” (new selection)
The eggshell grains are small. .. .. .. It was so finely pasted that my eyes might be over-tired while working. I think the fineness of the eggshell lacquer work in this exhibition is the best.
注目ポイント My point of interest
- 大きな平面に対して、緻密で繊細な卵殻蒔絵
- 漆黒と卵殻の白の対比表現
- 余白を多く取った全体の構図・バランス
- 現実世界と空想世界を織り交ぜたような独特な世界観
- Dense and delicate eggshell lacquer work, as opposed to a large flat screen
- Contrast expression of jet black and white eggshell
- Overall composition and balance with a lot of blank space
- A unique view of the world that seems to be a mixture of the real world and the fantasy world
As you can see from the photo, it is a jet-black mirror surface due to the luster and light peculiar to lacquer. The view of the world that spreads in the jet black is a mysterious feeling that is deep and sucked while being flat. The shadow expression is composed of very fine eggshells like pointillism. It takes much more time to paste the eggshell than to draw with a brush, so I think the production time is considerable.
題目の「In a Cell」の「Cell」は、色々な英語の意味があります。
The title “In a Cell” “Cell” has various English meanings.
I haven’t asked him, so I don’t know what it means, but I imagined it might mean “cell” or “small room”. Since it has a large artistic element, it may be a work that is left to the imagination of the viewer.
The photo I took is taken diagonally because the lacquer is a mirror surface and it is reflected.
Although he was selected as a new artist at this Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, he is a young artist who has already held numerous exhibitions and has a brilliant award-winning history in the lacquer art industry.
佐々木 信也『森の潤い』Shinya Sasaki『Lush Forest』
こちらも圧巻の卵殻蒔絵の作品です。This is also a masterpiece of eggshell lacquer work.
- 水の飛沫さえ感じる卵殻表現(貼る大きさ・隙間・密度)
- 森の中を感じる奥行きと立体感
- 所々の螺鈿や緑色の乾漆粉?
- Eggshell expression that even feels splashes of water (size, gap, density to paste)
- Depth and three-dimensional feeling in the forest
- Raden or green dry lacquer powder(←?) in places
Although the bird part looks like a silhouette, it is drawn finely, and the size and density of the eggshell are changed. The part that seems to be a rock was raised and became three-dimensional. I thought that it was not a method of raising the height of lacquer art, but a three-dimensional finish by carving from the state of the bare wood. Or, it was a lot of high places, so I think it’s a high-rise using Sabi-urushi, which is often raised even in the high-rise of lacquer art. (It’s just a guess)
The amount of eggshells attached was so large that it was a daunting amount of work, and I felt the enthusiasm from the work.
Shinya Sasaki is a writer from Chiba prefecture and seems to be active mainly in local exhibitions and Japan Fine Arts Exhibition.
螺鈿の力作 Raden’s masterpiece
武田 司『時の象−水–』Tsukasa Takeda『the passage of time -water-』
- 全体の水表現の湿度感 Humidity of the whole water expression
- 細部にわたる卓越した技術 Outstanding technology in every detail
- 螺鈿の細かな貼り方 A state of finely pasting Raden
- 螺鈿と金粉・銀粉の組み合わせ Combination of Raden and gold powder / silver powder
- 広範囲にわたる面の高上げによる立体感 A three-dimensional effect by raising the surface over a wide area
As a whole, I found that it was connected to the upper side part of the suspension. Also, the more I looked at it, the more I could see the author’s elaborateness. I think that Sabi-urushi is used where the surface is raised high and three-dimensional.
I think the bluish part is an abalone shell, but it looks like it is being sprinkled, but when I looked closely, I found that all of them were pasted one by one. And the leaves of the tree are also white butterfly shells or whitish shells that are colored on the back.
My favorite point was how to draw the leaves so that you can feel the movement while hanging down on the right side of the photo.
I gave it as a masterpiece of Raden, but the expression of halo sprinkling combined with shellfish was also wonderful. You can get a glimpse of the outstanding technical ability and sophisticated expressiveness.
Tsukasa Takeda is an associate member of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition and a councilor at the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition.
I am one of the writers who personally look forward to seeing the work every year.
平文の力作 Hyomon’s masterpiece
平文(ひょうもん)とは。。。 金・銀・真鍮・錫などの金属の薄い板を文様の形に切って、漆面に漆で貼り付けたり、貼り付けた後に塗り込めて研ぎ出したりする漆芸の加飾技法の一つです。 ↓下の作品では、魚や蟹の部分に●や■の平文がされています。 What is "Hyomon"? .. .. It is one of the decoration techniques of lacquer art, in which a thin metal plate such as gold, silver, brass, or tin is cut into a pattern and pasted on the lacquer surface with lacquer, or after pasting, it is applied and sharpened. .. ↓ In the work below, the "Hyomon" of ● and ■ is written on the fish and crab parts.
東京都知事賞 尾長 保『記憶の渚 飾皿』Governor of Tokyo Award Tamotsu Onaga『The shore of memory, decorative plate』
- 熟練の様々な大きさの金の板や平目粉の使用(平文)Use of skilled gold plates of various sizes and Hirame powder (Hyomon)
- 独特の魚や蟹の表現 Expression of unique fish and crab
- 細かな線描き Fine line drawing
- ●と■の巧みな多用 Skillful heavy use of ● and ■
The fish caught in the seine net are shining brilliantly. It’s a work that makes full use of skill, but without showing it off, it seems that you are watching today’s fishing on the beach in the morning. I can think of the feelings of the author who lives on the beach.
第8回日展 受賞理由一覧PDFより From the PDF of the reasons for winning the 8th Japan Fine Arts Exhibition
It’s hard to see in the photo, but the fish and crabs had an exquisite pattern high and three-dimensional effect due to the Taka-Makie.
The part that would have represented the net is finely dotted, I think that it uses gold Hirame powder, and ■ I think that the thing is cut to make a shape. The big ones have a lot of things to pay attention to, such as how they adhere to the base material, and it’s a work that everyone will be attracted to.
I think that it was done quite systematically at the stage of sketching. You can also feel the meticulousness and accuracy of the creator.
Also, I was particularly interested in the whiteness of the base material.He has both faces as a potter and a lacquer artist, so I think the base of this work is pottery. (It’s just a guess) I felt the range of various expressions.
He has won numerous awards. Toyama Prefecture is good at motifs such as local fish, crabs, and shrimp. There was no hesitation in brush strokes, and it was a work that shines with unimaginable efforts and skillful training skills that I can not imagine being 89 years old. It was a masterpiece that his line did not make him feel the shaking of his hands or his age at all.
In addition, the modernity and universality of the work was high, and there was something new that did not make me feel age at all.
Every year, at the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, regardless of the artist’s name, I take pictures of my favorite works based on my own sensibilities and first impressions.
His work is often included in the photographs taken casually, and it seems that I am personally attracted them.
沈金の力作 Chinkin’s masterpiece
沈金とは。。。 漆芸の加飾技法のひとつ。漆面に文様となる彫りを入れて、彫った凹凸面に漆を擦り込み、硬化しないうちに金箔や金粉を押し入れ、はみ出した部分を拭い、線や点の彫りで文様を表現する技法。 中国で生まれた技法で、中国では「鎗金(そうきん)」と言われています。 日本には、14世紀の南北朝時代に中国から伝わったとされています。 かつては元祖の中国の他に、タイやインドでも行われた技法とされていますが、 現代では世界的にみても日本で盛んに行われているとされています。 特に、国内で沈金が最も盛んに行われている産地は、石川県輪島市とされています。 What is "Chinkin"? .. .. One of the decoration techniques of lacquer art. A technique in which a pattern is carved on the lacquer surface, lacquer is rubbed on the carved uneven surface, gold leaf or gold powder is pushed in before it hardens, the protruding part is wiped, and the pattern is expressed by carving lines or dots. It is a technique that originated in China and is called "soukin" in China. It is said that it was introduced to Japan from China during the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the 14th century. It used to be a technique used in Tire India in addition to the original China. In modern times, it is said to be popular in Japan in the world. In particular, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is said to be the most popular production area for "sinking" in Japan.
Chinkin is carved with a Chinkin sword, but I think that the inflection of this carving will have a great impact on the work. And while Maki-e work expresses the shadow by the size and the degree of sprinkling of the powder, “Chinkin” expresses the pattern by the width and size of the dots and lines. While Maki-e work can be used for three-dimensional expression such as Taka-makie, in the “Chinkin” technique, the drawing power of the picture is especially required for the expression such as depth and shadow in the two-dimensional expression.
If you make a mistake in Maki-e work, you can wipe it off and start over, but in “Chinkin”, you can’t make any mistakes because it is carved. I think that concentration and tension before carving are considerable. I haven’t done it myself, so it’s just a speculative sentence from listening to stories and reading references.
角 康二『蝶・水・幻想』Yasuiji Sumi『Butterfly,water, and illusion』
- 伝統工芸の沈金とは思えない新しい世界観 A new world view that does not seem to be the “Chinkin” of traditional crafts
- デッサン力が光るデザイン Design that shines drawing power
- 漆黒の鏡面と余白の構図 Jet-black mirror surface and margin composition
- 熟練された彫りの具合と洗練された形 Skilled carving and sophisticated shape
- 多様な金属粉や箔による色彩構成 Color composition with various metal powders and foils
This is the work of a creator who is a big fan of me personally. Since it is a wonderful mirror-colored lacquer surface without any distortion, I always take pictures from an angle.
There may be many people who think of only black and gold when it comes to Chinkin. However, I think that this work uses colors that overturn the concept of Chinkin. It’s also so delicately and naturally carved that it doesn’t seem like you’re looking at what you’re carving. In fact, when I was looking at it, a couple who came from behind thought that the vividness of the colors was “cloisonne”. Later, they noticed the caption “lacquer” and was a little surprised. They were unaware of the Chinkin until the end.
In this work, various color expressions are realized by using different colors of gold leaf, Elgi powder and pigments. I think this work is made because the artist knows all about the differences in color.
エルジー粉とは。。。 真空蒸着法を応用してアルミニウムの樹脂層に顔料で着色をして作られた、 キラキラした色のある軽量のアルミニウム粉。(別名:メタリックパウダー) 耐熱性、耐腐食性、耐薬品性、耐溶剤性などに優れており、 塗装、インキ、練り込み、成型など様々なモノづくりの場面で活用されています。 漆芸材料としても、漆屋さんでも販売しています。 沈金の他にも、蒔絵では金粉の消粉と同様に蒔く粉、螺鈿の貝の裏に蒔いたりと色々な用途がありますので、 ご興味ある方は漆屋さんのホームページのメタリックパウダーのページを覗いてみてください。 What is Elsie powder? .. .. Made by coloring the resin layer of aluminum with a pigment by applying the vacuum vapor deposition method. Lightweight aluminum powder with a glittering color. (Also known as metallic powder) It has excellent heat resistance, corrosion resistance, chemical resistance, solvent resistance, etc. It is used in various manufacturing situations such as painting, ink, kneading, and molding. It is also sold as a lacquer material and at lacquer shops. In addition to Chinkin, Makie work has various uses such as sprinkling powder and sprinkling on the back of Raden shells, just like gold powder "Keshi-fun". If you are interested, please take a look at the metallic powder page on the lacquer shop's homepage.
If you take a closer look at the butterflies in the work, each butterfly that looks the same color at first glance has a fine pattern and a difference in color along with it. Also, red is an accent, and the proportion of red is neither too high nor too low, and it connects from top to bottom. This seemed to guide my eyes down. You can also feel the overlapping of butterflies’ wings and the depth of their flapping. Especially the top butterfly became my favorite.
It is a point that you can stop and see the expression below like a moment when a sphere of water falls down.
I always think that a work that becomes a picture no matter where you cut it is wonderful.
The artist of this work, Yasuji Sumi, is a person who is produced in Wajima City, which is the largest producer of Chinkin. He has won numerous awards and his works is highly evaluated overseas.
日本画 Japanese painting
I always look at craft art with all my strength, so my eyes get tired and I don’t look at the works of other departments so seriously, but I look at them all.
I will take a picture if there is something I like.
Here are some of the works that caught my eye this year.
個人的お気に入り作品 My personal favorite
By having these two works next to each other, it seemed that the shades of gold, red, and white were strong and attractive to each other, while the other works had various colors. The title with the words “monkey(“Saru” in Japanese)” combined with “leaving(“Saru” as verb in Japanese)” is kind of funny, but I thought it was a picture that I could draw because it is still influenced by Corona.
Such clear and detailed line drawing is fascinating. I learned a lot about how to draw the leaves in detail and how they overlap.
Although it is an elaborate Japanese painting as shown in the picture, it is a lovely raccoon dog.
It was my favorite work in this year’s exhibition of Japanese paintings. In particular, when I looked closely at how to draw the raccoon dog, it was wonderful that each hair was drawn with a thin line. The apple buried in the snow was also a masterpiece of painting.
Most of the works of Japan Fine Arts Exhibition are large. The pictures drawn on the big screen are all very exciting.
Also, in museums, you can often see your work through the glass, but in the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, you can see it closer. There is also a commentary on the work, so it is one of the attractions to hear the live voice of the production.
And you can see it in various forms, materials, expressions and a wide field of view. It is a masterpiece of contemporary art that gives you the energy of people who were born in the same age as you. I think that it was produced in various predicaments due to the influence of Corona, so you can see it while overlapping with the historical background that happened to you.
If you haven’t been there before, please go if you have a chance.
The artist introduced this time is a modern person. If you are interested, I would be grateful if you could investigate further and find yourself in an exhibition or solo exhibition.
At the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, most of the exhibited works can be photographed for the purpose of widespread use. I am very grateful for the opportunity to study a lot.
I think it will be an opportunity for you to be more interested in lacquer by taking advantage of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition. I also pray for the further success of the artists involved in lacquer art and the artists who live in the present age.