It’s a topic of Kintsugi again, but I’ve seen it so often these days, so I bought it if there was a Kintsugi book.
There are not many lacquer books that introduce practical things such as technique books. Even in catalogs such as museums, only the appearance is introduced very abstractly, and there are few that pursue and explain how to make it.
Meanwhile, many recent Kintsugi books are practical. If you know how to handle gold powder at the time of kintsugi, you will be able to do Makie work. Kintsugi books are very educational because each person has their own detailed method of lacquer work.
So I would like to introduce my Kintsugi book. There are some books I haven’t got yet, so I’d like to introduce them on my blog or add more.
金継ぎやり方別・本一覧 List of books by Kintsugi method
※The books introduced this time are all Japanese books. I will list the one that I know the ISBN number.
本の名前/ 技法 Book name / technique | 実用度 Practicality ★★★ | 使用漆 Urushi to use | 接着 glue | 金粉 Gold powder |
「おうちでできるおおらか金継ぎ」”Orakara Kintsugi that you can do at home.” | ★★★ | 天然漆 Natural Urushi | 麦漆 Mugi-urushi | 本金粉/金箔/代用金粉 Genuine gold powder / gold leaf / substitute gold powder |
「金継ぎ一年生」 “Kintsugi first grader” | ★ | 天然漆 Natural Urushi | 接着剤 glue (not Urushi) | 金消粉/金箔/代用金粉 Kin-keshi-fun Genuine gold powder / gold leaf / substitute gold powder |
「やさしい金つくろい入門」 “Introduction to Easy Kintsugi” | ★★ | 合成漆/天然漆 Synthetic lacquer / Natural Urushi | 接着剤/麦漆・糊漆 glue (not Urushi)/Mugi-urushi・Nori-urushi | 本金粉/金箔/代用金粉 Genuine gold powder / gold leaf / substitute gold powder |
「金継ぎ手帖 はじめてのつくろい」 “Kintsugi techo for the first time” | ~ | 合成漆 Synthetic lacquer | 接着剤 glue (not Urushi) | ~ |
「継 金継ぎの美と心」 “The Spirituality of Kintsugi” | ★ | 天然漆 Natural Urushi | 糊漆 Nori-urushi | 本金粉 Genuine gold powder |
今回ご紹介した本は全て日本語の本です。しかし、一番下の1冊「継 金継ぎの美と心」だけ、英語表記がありました。
The books introduced this time are all in Japanese. However, only the bottom one, “Beauty and Heart of Kintsugi,” was also written in English.
Of the five Kintsugi books, there were three in which synthetic lacquer and adhesives appeared. Since I was reading only lacquer books, I was a little surprised personally because modern adhesives do not appear in lacquer books.
In the book “Introduction to Easy Kintsugi”, there is a method using synthetic lacquer and adhesive at the beginning, and the method of kintsugi using this lacquer is properly described in the second part. This book may be recommended for those who want to do it after knowing the modern and traditional methods. (ISBN 4-473-01846-6)
Also, in the case of “Kintsugi first grader”, although adhesive is used for adhesion, natural lacquer is also used. There is no information on how to make or handle wheat Mugi-urushi or Nori-urushi. (ISBN 978-4-579-21152-4)
「金継ぎ手帖 はじめてのつくろい」は、読む部分が多いのと、合成漆のみで、蒔きさえしない本当に簡易的なフェイク金継ぎのやり方が載っています。その場しのぎのフェイク金継ぎをあえてやりたい方向けです。「金継ぎ」という言葉につられて、中身を見ずにネットで購入してみましたが個人的には残念な内容でした。本当の伝統工芸の金継ぎをちゃんと知りたい方にはオススメできません。
“Kintsugi techo for the first time” has a lot of parts to read, and it describes a really simple fake kintsugi method that uses only synthetic lacquer and does not even Makie. For those who dare to do makeshift fake kintsugi. I bought it online without looking at the contents because of the word “kintsugi”, but it was a shame for me personally. It is not recommended for those who want to know the true traditional crafts of Kintsugi. (ISBN 978-4-7683-0911-7)
「継 金継ぎの美と心」は、知識としてしっかり読む本としてオススメです。金継ぎのやり方についても伝統的なやり方が載っています。またこの本の著者の経歴からも、金継ぎの伝統や歴史、文化財修復などご興味ある方向けです。しかし、実用的なやり方部分は本の割合だと三分の一ないくらいです。やり方をとにかくしっかり知りたい方には物足りないかもしれません。しかし、個人的にはとても勉強になった買って良かった本でした。
“The Spirituality of Kintsugi” is recommended as a book to read firmly as knowledge. The traditional method of kintsugi is also described. Also, from the background of the author of this book, it is for those who are interested in the tradition and history of Kintsugi, restoration of cultural properties, etc. However, the ratio of books is less than one-third in terms of practical methods. It may not be enough for those who just want to know how to do it. However, personally, it was a good book to buy because it was a great learning experience. (ISBN 978-4-473-04485-3)
特にオススメの本 Especially recommended book
A book that is practical and especially recommended is “Orakara Kintsugi that you can do at home.”(ISBN 978-4-408-33756-2)
There are many pictures, illustrations are added, and the method, tips, etc. are written in detail, so it is very easy to understand and practical. And above all, it is a true traditional Kintsugi, lacquering craft. This book is written by Michihiro Hori, a graduate of the lacquer art training center in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
Traditional crafts are difficult to convey in words, but I think they are wonderful books. Also, it is very educational because it not only explains the work but also explains the reason for doing the work. Especially in traditional crafts, I often wonder why this kind of work is done. I think that the speed of learning and whether you can continue for a long time will differ depending on whether you do what you have inherited just as you were told, or if you do it while convincing with doubts.
And you can learn how to handle gold powder of lacquer work by looking at this book, not limited to Kintsugi. If you apply what you learned in this book, you can also lacquer and Makie.
There are many pictures and illustrations, so even those who do not understand Japanese may find it easy to understand.
一部金継ぎも載っている本 A book that also includes some Kintsugi
This is a book that I especially refer to when writing this blog. Kintsugi is also listed a little.(ISBN 978-4-416-71535-2)
The “lacquer technique book” mainly describes painting, but it also includes some Kintsugi. How to sow this gold powder is also described. Although it is not a specialized book for Kintsugi, it is especially recommended for those who are interested in the general method of lacquering crafts.
Not all books are particularly bad, and I think they are worth buying if they are beneficial to the reader. In my case, I read through books about lacquer, whether the book is good or bad. This is because I think that new discoveries will disappear if I do not read it because of prejudice.
Since modern adhesives have never appeared in practical books on traditional craft lacquering, I was a little disappointed to think that adhesives were introduced in such Kintsugi books. Knowledge of one book is not everything. There are various ways to do it, and I want you to know that the correct answer is to be decided by the user himself.
Modern adhesives begin to deteriorate to some extent from the moment they are used. Even if the adhesive strength is maintained to some extent, it will not become stronger. On the other hand, urushi cures slowly and more firmly over time, so it can be said that it has the opposite property. I strongly recommend that you use only natural lacquer for the things you really want to cherish.