It’s my blog, so I’ll write a little about my daily life.
The pace of blog updates has slowed considerably in recent months.
In fact, my father died on January 6, 2022 at the age of 66.
He is one of the people I admire who has had a great influence on my life. Whatever the situation, he is just my proud father who loved me unconditionally. Thanks to my father’s hard work, I was able to grow up without any inconvenience. I think it was thanks to my father that I was able to study lacquer work “Maki-e”.
Over the last few years, the influence of Corona has increased the amount of time I spend with my family at home. During the time of rice and tea, my family gathered and spent my days talking about various things. At this age, I thought I was finally able to talk with my father about various things in the world.
Meanwhile, my father complained of severe abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital for examination, and stage 4 of pancreatic cancer was discovered. He died in a blink of an eye about three and a half months later. It happened in a blink of an eye, but every day was a struggle against the terrible disease of pancreatic cancer.
膵臓癌 Pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to find and has a very low survival rate. My father was rather obese and was told by his doctor to lose weight. Because he had a thick body, I didn’t know that ascites due to pancreatic cancer had accumulated until he was hospitalized. The presence of ascites itself was a sign of the end of cancer. He then had ascites squeezing his stomach and eating less.
Our family had no medical knowledge of cancer and did not know what the best treatment was. I searched the internet, read books, and so on every day to find out about illness.
After this, I was always worried about what my father would be like. At that time, the records and blogs of the same person with pancreatic cancer became a source of relief. So, I would like to leave a little. Also, for me, who is not accustomed to hospitals, it was an opportunity to see and know the current state of medical practice in Japan, people in various circumstances, and people who work there.
When my father was found ill, he was sentenced to one year to live. He was introduced to the hospital where he was hospitalized for inspection, but he went to the National Cancer Center, but the distribution of medicines was delayed in Corona, and the most effective medicine for pancreatic cancer was out of stock. (There is only the second drug.) The Doctor also said, “At the Cancer Research Center, treatment cannot be done until more than a month in advance. However, my father is in a serious condition that must be treated early.” Our family was very confused. After all, he returned to the previous hospital because he could start treatment sooner.
Nowadays, the percentage of people who get cancer is high in Japan, and I think that outpatient chemotherapy is quite widespread. However, in the case of my father, even the time he was waiting for a medical examination at the hospital seemed to be difficult, so the outpatient anticancer drug treatment ended with one trial. After that, he was hospitalized due to an emergency hospitalization. From there he started chemotherapy, but with terrible side effects, he couldn’t sleep well every day with vomiting and nowhere to go. He was connected to an IV tube and an oxygen tube, and in addition to being inconvenient, he had only about two hours to calm down.
Due to the influence of Corona, I couldn’t visit him for a long time, so I contacted him on my cell phone every day and handed over what he needed via a nurse. However, there are more and more days when the person cannot even contact himself by mobile phone. I went to ask the nurse only about his condition. And because of the pain of side effects, he decided not to extend his life because of his desire to switch to palliative care. It was also a time when Corona was calm, so I was given permission to visit her one month before her death and took turns staying at the hospital with my mother.
However, he couldn’t sleep due to nausea during the night, and even if he had an IV drip, it was temporary and he was constantly given anti-nausea. He had the ascites drained about 6 times, and immediately after draining it, it became a little easier, but it quickly accumulated again. The hospital staff also did their best to make sure he didn’t suffer. Even if he vomit and calm down a little, he feel nausea again. .. .. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for his nausea. He could hardly eat food, and it was hard to imagine from my father who ate so often. At the end, he couldn’t even swallow water, but he had nausea. I was watching this kind of suffering on his side, so when he died, I was really thankful for his hard work, and I was glad that he was finally released from the suffering.
I’m full of loss now. .. .. I still remember my father who was suffering from saying, “I want to die early, how long it will last.” The pain of his bile aspiration medical procedure made him shed tears every time.
And until the last day, he was nauseated and suffering. However, a few minutes before the real last, it was a peaceful end without nausea. I am grateful that I was really happy to be able to see the last moment on his side. In addition, the hospital doctors and nurses who took care of him were very busy every day, and I was blessed with a really good relationship with them.I am full of gratitude.
It seems that my days at the hospital were still my dreams, and I wonder if my dad will come back soon after a long business trip.
In modern medicine, I realized that although the amount of medical narcotics can be adjusted, not all the suffering can be taken away. It may also depend on the location of the cancer. My dad was a pretty heavy smoker, so the oxygen tube was connected all the way to the end. However, thanks to his many years of golf, he had muscles in his legs and hips, so he went to the bathroom on his own until five days before his death.
At the last time, it depends on the vitality of each person, but I have witnessed that what is accumulated in that person’s life has a great influence on the last time. No matter how much medicine and medical treatment develops, I think that there are still many unknown worlds in the human body and brain. I was also grateful that many people in the hospital worked as a team for one patient. My dad repeatedly said “I’m sorry, thank you” to our family every day while he was in the hospital. When the amount of narcotics increased, he was a little angry at the inconvenience, but he was a calm and kind father until the end.
Also, as long as I was born as a human being, I realized that I cannot live alone, even when I die, and I have to rely on someone regardless of my will.
I also think that the fact that everyday life is not a matter of course makes us realize more when we approach the world of life and death.
読書家 bookish
My father really loved reading and studying.
When I was little, he wasn’t always at home for work and golf, but sometimes he was always reading or studying at home. He was really knowledgeable and knew a lot.
Right now, I’m planning to make my father’s study room my work room, and I’m cleaning it up little by little. He had more than 2000 books and the room was filled with books. The genre of the book was wide, and there were a great amount of books, from introductory books to difficult specialized books, such as business books, mathematics, chemistry, geography, history, religion, languages, psychology,golf and novels. I think he had a wide range of interests as he read also the books that were popular these days.In the last few years, partly due to the influence of the coronavirus, he seemed to have read a thick medical book on immunology.
He was mostly practicing language pronunciation when he heard a humming voice from his room. He was mainly in English, but he was in several languages, Thai and Chinese, and ordered a lot of study materials, so he was like a student every day. I realized how difficult it is to study while working, and I thought that my father, who had been doing it for decades, was really amazing. For him, it seemed like a lot of work, but maybe he loved books and enjoyed learning more.
To tell the truth, he advised me that the English translation of this blog was a little strange. Some of my English and Thai teaching materials were inherited from my father. If there was something I wanted to know more deeply, he brought me a recommended book from his room.
I would like to organize the books that my father left behind and read them little by little.
Until the environment in the work room is set up like this, it is difficult for the lacquer to dry in this cold season, so full-scale work cannot be done. I would like to build up one by one so as not to be ashamed of my father who supported independence and to be able to make lacquer work.
I’m very lonely, but I want to have fun. .. ..
Occasionally, I will write about my daily life like this on my blog.
Thank you for reading.
追記:この記事のアイキャッチ画像は、母作のクロスステッチ作品で我が家の玄関で毎日父を出迎えていた作品です。 Postscript: The image in this article is a cross-stitch work made by my mother, who welcomed my father every day at the entrance of my house.