In the post, the number of articles on lacquer work national treasure has increased, so I would like to summarize the list here.
I personally want to see everything while I’m alive. Even if you are not so interested in lacquer work, I think it is worth seeing as a valuable treasure in Japanese history. I would appreciate it if you could refer to it.
蒔絵の国宝の数 Number of national treasures of Maki-e
It is said that there are currently 1,130 designated national treasures of Japanese cultural properties (as of 2022.1.1). There are 13,342 designated as Important Cultural Properties. Compared to the number of important cultural properties, the number that has been designated as a national treasure is carefully selected and it can be seen that it is small.
Of the 1,130 items designated as national treasures, there are categories of arts and crafts and buildings, and there are 902 items of arts and crafts. Furthermore, in the subdivision of arts and crafts, the number of traditional crafts to which they belong is 254. More than a quarter of the national treasure designations are crafts.
国宝指定品 National treasure designated item | 1130 |
美術工芸品 Arts and crafts | 902 |
工芸品 Craft “Kogei” | 254 |
漆工芸品 Lacquer crafts | 31 |

By the way, the national treasure designation is separate from the Shosoin treasure. In a past blog post, I mentioned the Shosoin treasure as the treasure of the beginning of Makie. If you are interested, please read this as well.
参考投稿 Reference post
時代区分 Periodization
Looking at the national treasures of Maki-e by period, the Heian period is the largest number. It can be seen that the aristocrats used lacquer art as furnishings, and the technique of Maki-e developed accordingly. And since many kanji are difficult to read, add hiragana. I will also link to the national treasures featured in this blog.
飛鳥時代 Asuka period (592〜710)
- 玉蟲逗子(たまむしのずし)Tamamushi-no-zushi
奈良時代 Nara period (710〜794)
- 花鳥彩絵油色箱(かちょうさいえゆしゅくばこ)Kacho-saie-yusyuku-bako
- 沈香木画箱(じんこうもくがのはこ)Jinko-mokuga-no-hako
- 竹厨子(たけずし)Take-zushi
- 当麻曼荼羅厨子(たいままんだらずし)Taima-manndara-zushi
平安時代 Heian period (794〜1185)
- 黒漆七絃琴(こくしつしちげんきん)Koku-shitsu-shichigennkin
- ★花蝶蒔絵挾軾(かちょうまきえきょうしょく)Kasho-Makie-kyoshoku
- ★海賦蒔絵袈裟箱(かいぶまきえけさばこ)Kaibu-Makie-kesa-bako
- ★宝相華蒔絵宝珠箱(ほうそうげまきえほうじゅばこ)Hosouge-Makie-houjyu-bako
- ★仏功徳蒔絵経箱(ぶつくどくまきえきょうばこ)Butsu-kudoku-Makie-kyobako
- ★宝相華蒔絵経箱(ほうそうげまきえきょうばこ)Hosouge-Makie-kyobako
- ★蓮唐草蒔絵経箱(はすからくさまきえきょうばこ)Hasu-karakusa-Makie-kyobako
- ★澤千鳥螺鈿蒔絵小唐櫃(さわちどりらでんまきえこからびつ)Sawa-chidori-raden-Makie-kokarabitsu
- ★片輪車螺鈿蒔絵手箱(かたわぐるまらでんまきえてばこ)Katawaguruma-raden-Makie-tebako
- ★倶利伽羅竜蒔絵経箱(くりからりゅうまきえきょうばこ)Kurikararyu-Makie-kyobako
- 螺鈿八角須弥壇(らでんはっかくしゅみだん)Raden-hakkaku-shumidan
- 黒漆螺鈿卓(こくしつらでんしょく)Koku-shitsu-raden-shoku
- 柏木兎螺鈿鞍(かしわにみみずくらでんのくら)Kashiwa-ni-mimizuku-raden-no-kura
- ★沃懸地螺鈿金銅装神輿(いかけじらでんこんどうそうみこし)Ikakeji-raden-kondousou-mikoshi
鎌倉時代 Kamakura period (1185〜1333)
- ★塵地螺鈿金銅装神輿(ちりじらでんこんどうそうみこし)Chiriji-raden-kondoso-mikoshi
- 紫檀塗螺鈿金銅装舎利輦(したんぬりらでんこんどうそうしゃりれん)Shitan-nuri-raden-kondousou-syariren
- ★籬菊螺鈿蒔絵硯箱(まがきにきくらでんまきえすずりばこ)Magakinikiku-raden-Makie-suzuribako
- ★秋野鹿蒔絵手箱(あきのしかまきえてばこ)Akino-shika-Makie-tebako
- ★蝶螺鈿蒔絵手箱(ちょうらでんまきえてばこ)Cho-raden-Makie-tebako
- ★片輪車蒔絵螺鈿手箱(かたわぐるままきえらでんてばこ)Katawaguruma-Makie-raden-tebako
- ★梅蒔絵手箱(うめまきえてばこ)Ume-Makie-tebako
- 螺鈿時雨鞍(らでんしぐれくら)Raden-shigure-kura
- 円文螺鈿鏡鞍(えんもんらでんかがみくら)Enmon-raden-kagami-kura
- 唐鞍 (からくら)Kara-kura
- ★浮線綾蒔絵螺鈿手箱 (ふせんりょうまきえらでんてばこ)Fusenryo-raden-Makie-tebako
江戸時代 Edo period (1603〜1868)
- ★舟橋蒔絵硯箱(ふなはしまきえすずりばこ)Funahashi-Makie-suzuribako
- ★八橋蒔絵螺鈿硯箱(やつはしまきえらでんすずりばこ)Yatsuhashi-Makie-raden-suzuribako

技法・材料区分 Technique / material classification
Among the above lacquering national treasures, 17 have “Maki-e” in their names. Instead of “Maki-e” in the name, the Togidashi-Makie technique is used for those with “Ikake-ji” and “Chiri-ji”. (+2 treasures)
素地の種類について見てみると。。。。↓Looking at the types of base material. .. .. .. ↓
挾軾/袈裟箱/経箱/小唐櫃 Kyoushoku/Kesa-bako/Kyo-bako/ko-karahitsu | 8 |
神輿 Mikoshi | 2 |
手箱 Accessory box | 6 |
硯箱 Suzuri-bako (writing box) | 3 |
「挾軾」とは・・・現代の「脇息」と同じ。脇に置いて寄りかかって休むための安楽用具のこと。当時は寄りかかるだけでなく、経典をちょっと書いたり、置いたりするのにも使われたとされています。 「袈裟箱」とは・・・仏教の僧侶が身につける衣服を入れる箱。 「経箱」とは・・・仏教の経文を入れる箱。 「子唐櫃」とは・・・手元に置いて、手紙、文書などを収めておく箱。 「神輿」とは・・・お祭りの日に神道の神様が乗る乗り物。神様の車。
●"Kyōsoku" is the same as the modern "kyōsoku". A comforting device that can be set aside and leaned against to rest. At that time, it was said that it was used not only to lean on, but also to write and place a little scripture. ●A "Kesa-bako" is a box that holds clothes worn by Buddhist monks. ●A "Kyo-bako" is a box that holds Buddhist sutras. ●"Kokarahitsu" is a box that you can keep at hand to store letters, documents, etc. ●A "Mikoshi" is a vehicle on which the god of Shinto rides on a festival day. God's car.
蒔絵のみ Only Makie | 10 |
螺鈿+蒔絵 Raden + Makie | 9 |
螺鈿のみ Only Raden | 7 |
作品名/技法 Work name / technique | 研出蒔絵 Togidashi-Makie | 沃懸地 Ikakeji | 平蒔絵 Hira-Makie | 高蒔絵 Taka-Makie | 螺鈿 Raden |
花蝶蒔絵挾軾 Kacho-Makie-kyoshoku | ● | ||||
海賦蒔絵袈裟箱 Kaibu-Makie-kesabako | ● | ||||
宝相華蒔絵宝珠箱 Housouge-Makie-hojyubako | ● | ||||
仏功徳蒔絵経箱 Butsu-kudoku-Makie-kyobako | ● | ||||
宝相華蒔絵経箱 Hosouge-Makie-kyobako | ● | ||||
研出蒔絵 Togidashi-Makie | 沃懸地 Ikakeji | 平蒔絵 Hira-Makie | 高蒔絵 Taka-Makie | 螺鈿 Raden | |
蓮唐草蒔絵経箱 Hasu-karakusa-makie-kyobako | ● | ||||
澤千鳥螺鈿蒔絵小唐櫃 Sawa-chidori-raden-Makie-kokarabitsu | ● | ● | |||
片輪車螺鈿蒔絵手箱 Katawaguruma-raden-Makie-tebako | ● | ● | ● | ||
倶利伽羅竜蒔絵経箱 Kurikararyu-Makie-kyobako | ● | ● | |||
沃懸地螺鈿金銅装神輿 Ikakeji-raden-kondousou-mikoshi | ● | ● | |||
砥出蒔絵 Togidashi-Makie | 沃懸地 Ikakeji | 平蒔絵 Hira-Makie | 高蒔絵 Taka-Makie | 螺鈿 Raden | |
塵地螺鈿金銅装神輿 Chiriji-raden-kondoso-mikoshi | ● | ● | |||
籬菊螺鈿蒔絵硯箱 Magakinikiku-raden-Makie-suzuribako | ● | ● | ● | ||
秋野鹿蒔絵手箱 Akino-shika-Makie-tebako | ● | ● | ● | ||
蝶螺鈿蒔絵手箱 Cho-raden-Makie-tebako | ● | ● | ● | ||
片輪車蒔絵螺鈿手箱 Katawaguruma-Makie-raden-tebako | ● | ● | ● | ● | |
梅蒔絵手箱 Ume-Makie-tebako | ● | ● | ● | ● | |
浮線綾蒔絵螺鈿手箱 Fusenryo-raden-Makie-tebako | ● | ● | ● | ● | |
舟橋蒔絵硯箱 Funahashi-Makie-suzuribako | ● | 金地 | ● | ● | |
八橋蒔絵螺鈿硯箱 Yatsuhashi-Makie-raden-suzuribako | ● | ● | |||
研出蒔絵 Togidashi-Makie | 沃懸地 Ikakeji | 平蒔絵 Hira-Makie | 高蒔絵 Taka-Makie | 螺鈿 Raden |
I haven’t seen all of them, so I have summarized the techniques by referring to the description in the National Treasure Encyclopedia. From the table above, it can be seen that most of the national treasures of Makie use the “Togidashi-Makie” technique. Especially in the era when there were many national treasures of lacquer work (Heian period), the manufacturing technology of gold powder was in the transitional stage, and I think it was difficult to sharpen it.
参考投稿 Reference post
- 沃懸地について about Ikakeji →国宝『浮線綾螺鈿蒔絵手箱』National Treasure “Accessory Raden Maki-e Box with Fusenryo Design”
- 研出蒔絵について about Togidashi-Makie →研出蒔絵の技法 The technique of lacquer work “Togidashi-Makie”
所蔵先場所 Location of holdings

都道府県 Prefectures | 所蔵場所 Collection location | 作品名 Work name |
東京都 Tokyo | 東京国立博物館 Tokyo National Museum | 片輪車螺鈿蒔絵手箱 Katawaguruma-raden-Makie-tebako 片輪車蒔絵螺鈿手箱 Katawaguruma-Makie-raden-tebako 舟橋蒔絵硯箱 Funahashi-Makie-suzuribako 八橋蒔絵螺鈿硯箱 Yatsuhashi-Makie-raden-suzuribako |
畠山記念館 Hatakeyama-memorial-museum | 蝶螺鈿蒔絵手箱 Cho-raden-Makie-tebako | |
サントリー美術館 Suntory Museum | 浮線綾蒔絵螺鈿手箱 Fusenryo-raden-Makie-tebako | |
神奈川県 Kanagawa | 鶴岡八幡宮 Turuoka-hachimangu-shrine | 籬菊螺鈿蒔絵硯箱 Magakinikiku-raden-Makie-suzuribako |
静岡県 Shizuoka | 三嶋大社 Mishima-taisha-shrine | 梅蒔絵手箱 Ume-Makie-tebako |
滋賀県 Shiga | 延暦寺 Enryakuji-Temple | 宝相華蒔絵経箱 Hosouge-Makie-kyobako |
奈良県 Nara | 奈良国立博物館 Nara National Museum | 蓮唐草蒔絵経箱 Hasu-karakusa-makie-kyobako |
奥院 Oku-in | 倶利伽羅竜蒔絵経箱 Kurikararyu-Makie-kyobako | |
京都府 Kyoto | 教王護国寺 Kyoougokokuji-Temple | 海賦蒔絵袈裟箱 Kaibu-Makie-kesabako |
仁和寺 Ninnaji-Temple | 宝相華蒔絵宝珠箱 Housouge-Makie-hojyubako | |
大阪府 Osaka | 藤田美術館 Fujita Museum | 花蝶蒔絵挾軾 Kacho-Makie-kyoshoku 仏功徳蒔絵経箱 Butsu-kudoku-Makie-kyobako |
誉田八幡宮 Kondahachimangu-shrine | 塵地螺鈿金銅装神輿 Chiriji-raden-kondoso-mikoshi | |
和歌山県 Wakayama | 金剛峯寺 Kongobuji-Temple | 澤千鳥螺鈿蒔絵小唐櫃 Sawa-chidori-raden-Makie-kokarabitsu |
鞆淵八幡神社 Tomobuchihachiman-shrine | 沃懸地螺鈿金銅装神輿 Ikakeji-raden-kondousou-mikoshi | |
島根県 Shimane | 出雲大社 Izumo-taisha-shrine | 秋野鹿蒔絵手箱 Akino-shika-Makie-tebako |
I hope to increase the number of posts focusing on each national treasure and link to this article.
参考文献 References