The imperial artist who appeared in yesterday’s post. I would like to introduce a little about Shosai Shirayama, one of Makie’s imperial artists.
帝室技芸員制度 Imperial Household Artist System
The importance of the art and craftsman’s technique has been reconsidered since the exhibition at the World’s Fair began. The Imperial Household Artist System was established in 1890 to protect craftsmen and encourage their production by the imperial family so that the highly developed skills of each field would not be lost. (Until the early Showa period) This is the current system of important intangible cultural property holders (living national treasure).
1890 was the year after the 4th Paris Exposition, and at the 1893 Chicago Expo, three years after the imperial artist system was established, Japanese art, including crafts, was exhibited for the first time in the “Museum”. It can be said that the system has created an environment in which skilled craftsmen can work firmly.
帝室技芸員の仕事 The work of the imperial artist
- 日本の美術の奨励
- 工芸技術の練磨
- 後進の育成・誘導
- 宮内庁の依頼による作品制作(その際は相当の報酬支給)
- 工芸技術上に関する事項について帝国博物館総長より諮問を受ける、報告をする
Once certified as an imperial artist, the certified person received a national subsidy and was obliged to:
- Encouragement of Japanese art
- Training of craftsmanship
- Nurturing and guiding younger generations
- Work production at the request of the Imperial Household Agency (in that case, a considerable reward will be paid)
- To be consulted by the President of the Imperial Museum on matters related to craftsmanship and to report to the President.
The Imperial Household Artist system was a system in which the president of the Imperial Household Museum supervised and inspected the Imperial Household Artist.
The fields are painting, sculpture, metalwork, lacquer work, ceramics, dyeing and weaving, cloisonne, architecture, and photography.
With a national budget, there was a capacity of 20 people to complete the mission until death when certified. The number of employees has been increased to 25 since 1906.
Under the current Living National Treasure system of the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties, which inherits this trend, the capacity is 113 people according to the national budget. (As of 2020) The current Living National Treasure (holders of important intangible cultural properties) receives an annual subsidy of 2 million yen from the country.
漆工「蒔絵」の帝室技芸員 Imperial artist of lacquer work “Maki-e”
In the old days, the number of imperial artists was smaller, and it is said that some writers were candidates but were not appointed due to the capacity limit. Therefore, I think that the number of people has increased.
任命年 Year of appointment | 認定者 Certified person |
1890 | 柴田是真 Zeshin Shibata |
1896 | 池田泰真(是真の弟子)Taishin Ikeda (Zeshin’s disciple) 川之邊一朝 Icchou Kawanobe |
1906 | 白山松哉 Shosai Shirayama |
There are only four lacquer technicians in the table above. The work left by these four people is called transcendental skill, and it is said that it overwhelms others in terms of sophisticated perfection, originality, dignity, and personality.
I would like to summarize a little about one of those imperial artists, Shosai Shirayama.
研出蒔絵の名工 白山松哉 Master craftsman of lacquer work Shosai Shirayama
本名:細野福松 Real name: Fukumatsu Hosono
年 Year | 歳 Age | 出来事 Event |
1853 | 0 | 江戸/大伝馬町 生まれ Born in Edo / Tokyo |
1866 | 13 | 金工師に入門、象嵌と錺を修行(5年) Trained inlays and anchors under a metalworker (5 years) |
1871- | 18 | 小林万次郎(好山)に師事 蒔絵を修行(9年) 同時期 蒲生盛和に堆朱・堆黒・螺鈿 栃倉豊次郎に漆塗りを学ぶ Studied lacquer work under Manjiro Kobayashi (Kou-zan) (9 years) At the same time,Learn Tsuisyu,Tsuikoku,Raden from Gamo Morikazu, and Learn lacquering from Toyojiro Tochikura |
1880 | 27 | 起立工商会社にて雇員 輸出工芸品の制作 松哉の号が与えられる Employees at a standing industry and trading company Production of export crafts Name of “Shosai” is given |
1891 | 38 | 東京美術学校/漆工科 助教授 就任 Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts / Associate Professor, Department of Lacquer Engineering |
1893 | 40 | 東京美術学校/漆工科 助教授 退職 Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts / Associate Professor, Department of Lacquer Engineering Retired |
1905 | 52 | 東京美術学校/漆工科 教授 就任 Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts / Professor of Lacquer Engineering |
1923 | 71 | 亡くなるまで、後進の育成に尽力 Efforts to nurture younger generations until his death |
Shosai is also famous for his achievements in raising the following excellent disciples.
白山松哉の弟子 Shosai’s disciple
- 高野松山(1952年重要無形文化財保持者認定)Shozan Takano(1952-Certified as an important intangible cultural property holder)
- 六角紫水(過去投稿でもご紹介しています)Shisui Rokkaku (Introduced in past posts)
- 守屋松亭 Shotei Moriya
- 鵜沢松月 Shougetsu Uzawa
“I’m not a master. I’m sure I’ll lose to young people if I can come with technology. But if I’m patient, I’ll lose to anyone.” It is often written and passed down in books.
松哉の作品の著名なコレクション先 Famous collection destination of Shosai’s work
- 今村銀行(現みずほ銀行)頭取 今村繁三
- 東洋美術のコレクター/バウアーコレクションで知られるアルフレッド・バウアー(スイス)
- President of Imamura Bank (currently Mizuho Bank) Shigezō Imamura
- Alfred Bauer (Switzerland), known for the collector / Bauer collection of oriental art
A lacquer artist who is very popular in Europe and the United States, his work is often exhibited at auctions in Europe and the United States.
日本国内の松哉作品 所蔵美術館 A museum that holds Shosai’s works in Japan
京都府 Kyoto | 清水三年坂美術館 Kiyomizu Sannenzaka Museum |
京都国立近代美術館 The National Museum of Modern Art,Kyoto | |
静岡県 Shizuoka | MOA美術館 MOA Museum of Art |
東京都 Tokyo | 東京国立博物館 Tokyo national Museum |
東京藝術大学美術館 Tokyo University of the Arts Museum | |
三井記念美術館 Mitsui Memorial Museum | |
広島県 Hiroshima | 広島県立美術館 Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art |
Shosai is famous for his elaborate lacquer work that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and it is said that there are no bad works. I vividly remember that I was shocked and deeply moved when I saw his Makie works when I was just starting lacquer work. He has many works that will impress even those who do not know lacquer and lacquer painting.
At the Tokyo National Museum, you can take pictures of Shosai’s works, so if I find out that Shosai’s works will be exhibited, I always go to see them with my monoculars. Also in Japan, I think that the number of exhibitions has increased in recent years due to the growing interest in the transcendental techniques of the Meiji era. If you are interested, if you have a chance to see it, please go see the real thing with your own eyes.

Tokyo National Museum / Photographable items Shosai Shirayama “Octagonal for Confectionery” Donated by himself in 1912
上記の写真の作品は。。。The work in the above picture is. .. ..
蓋表 Cover surface | 研出蒔絵 Togidashi-Makie |
側面 side | 各面に異なる素材や文様、金粉の大きさの違いを表し、漆芸の装飾見本にもなっています。 It shows different materials, patterns, and sizes of gold powder on each side, and is also a decorative sample of lacquer art. |
There is a similar octagonal confectionery container in the MOA Museum of Art, but it is said to be an order from Shigezō Imamura, who is also known as the collection destination. The confectionery container in this national museum is said to have been made by the person himself as a lacquer decoration sample.

← The brilliance of gold powder in this box is so great that it is difficult to convey the awesomeness in the photos. I recommend that you see the real thing with a monocular.It will be exhibited in 18 rooms of the National Museum. (* There is a change of exhibition and it is not a permanent exhibition)
I hope I can continue to introduce the wonderful works of old lacquer artists little by little.
参考文献 References
- 別冊太陽 日本のこころ217『明治の細密工芸 驚異の超絶技巧!』.平凡社,2014
- 広島県立美術館図録『国宝を創った男 六角紫水展』,2008
- 山下裕二監修 図録『超絶技巧!明治工芸の粋』,2014
- 山下裕二監修 図録『驚異の超絶技巧!明治工芸から現代アートへ』,2017
- 村田理如『清水三年坂美術館 村田理如コレクション 明治工芸入門』.目の眼,2017
参考投稿↓Reference post ↓(六角紫水について About Shisui Rokkaku)