I took up about black lacquer in yesterday’s post, so I would like to post about white lacquer this time.Lacquer black is so black that it is called jet black, whereas white is not. It has a brownish creamy white color.
However, this white lacquer is a color that was born after a lot of hard work.This white lacquer has a relatively short history in the world of lacquer.
Since lacquer is originally amber, it has long been said that “white lacquer” cannot be produced by mixing any pigment.
白色顔料 White pigment
It’s a white pigment that has been around for a long time in Japan. .. ..↓
- 日本画で使う胡粉(貝殻から作る白い顔料)Gofun used in Japanese painting (white pigment made from shells)
- 白粉(おしろい)=硫化鉛 White powder(Oshiroi) = lead sulfide
There are the above two, but when mixed with lacquer, it turns black due to a chemical reaction.
In other words, even if you want to make it white, black lacquer will be formed.
Since Gofun has been used in Japanese painting for a long time, I think that people in the old days tried various things to get white with lacquer after knowing the whiteness of Gofun.
密陀絵 Mitsudae
I don’t know if it is the result of trial and error, but there is a cultural property, Mitsudae, which is drawn by kneading white with drying oil without mixing it with lacquer.
密陀絵(みつだえ)とは。。。 奈良時代に中国から伝来した、油に密陀僧(みつだそう)と言われた一酸化鉛を加えて煮沸しできた乾性油と絵の具を混ぜて文様を描く油絵の一種。 What is Mitsudae? .. .. A type of oil painting that was introduced from China during the Nara period and draws a pattern by mixing dry oil and paint that have been boiled by adding lead monoxide, which is said to be a "Mitsudaso".
色漆 Colored lacquer
そんな歴史の中で、色漆は主に5色 黒・赤・黄・緑・茶 に限られていました。
In such history, colored lacquer was mainly limited to five colors: black, red, yellow, green, and brown.
そして、明治30年代に漆芸家 六角紫水が色漆の研究を始めました。
Then, in the 30s of the Meiji era, lacquer artist Shisui Rokkaku began researching colored lacquer.
Originally, Shisui Rokkaku was aspiring to Japanese painting at the Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts, but at that time he was encouraged by the enthusiastic solicitation of Matsumin Ogawa and entered the lacquer path. Before he started lacquer, he thought that lacquer could be produced in any color, but he was disappointed in the world of traditional lacquer crafts, where the materials and techniques were not properly classified. Under such circumstances, research on the manufacture of white lacquer has begun as a preliminary step to making colored lacquer.
色漆の変遷 Transition of colored lacquer
4000年前 4000 years ago | 中国 China | 黒漆・朱漆 Black lacquer / red lacquer |
紀元前206年~西暦220年 206 BC-220 AD | 中国・漢代(楽浪漆器) Chinese Han Dynasty (Lelang Laquer Ware) | 朱漆・黄漆・緑漆 Red lacquer, yellow lacquer, green lacquer |
推定3000年前 Estimated 3000 years ago | 日本・縄文時代/青森県遺跡 Jomon period, Japan / Aomori archaeological site | 朱塗・黒塗漆器 Vermilion / black lacquer ware |
1300年前 1300 years ago | 日本・飛鳥時代 法隆寺/玉虫厨子 Japan Asuka period Horyuji Temple / Tamamushi Shrine | 朱・緑・黄色漆 Vermilion/ green / yellow lacquer |
In the Tokugawa period, there was something called white lacquer, but it is a mixture of transparent lacquer and a large amount of silver powder or silver foil, and it is not said to be white lacquer in the strict sense.
六角紫水の色漆研究 Color lacquer research of Shisui Rokkaku
Shisui Rokkaku is said to have experimented with all the industrial coloring materials that existed in the Meiji era, and if there were any that could produce color, thoroughly mixed them with lacquer. Therefore, he used the precipitate formed after boiling lead in strong hydrochloric acid to dissolve it as a white pigment. He mixed it with lacquer and invented it as “white lacquer”. Then, it became possible to make colored lacquer by mixing pigments of various colors made by dyeing the white pigment with organic dyes.
In 1883, Shisui Rokkaku started a “Nissin Paint Factory” with collaborators to study this colored lacquer. So he continued to experiment with pottery paints and discovered chrome oxide as a vibrant green color.
In addition, hundreds of people involved in lacquer work and painting came and went from all over the country at this factory, and the impact was enormous.
However, there was an acquaintance of Shisui who was studying colored lacquer at the same time. Despite his research being completely different, lies circulated that Shisui stole the invention. He later announced a work of white chicken using this white lacquer, but it was returned and he was very angry and sad.
In the end, three years later, the exact same method of making white lacquer devised by Shisui was announced as an invention by a different person. His autobiography shows that his anger was at its peak.
However, it is no exaggeration to say that his enthusiasm for research on colored lacquer set up a laboratory and had a great influence on the lacquer industry, from which lacquer was rebuilt from a scientific point of view.
現在の白漆 Current white lacquer
After that, research on pigments was actively continued, and titanium oxide was developed as white powder at the Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute in the Taisho era, and it has become the current white lacquer.
Currently, this titanium oxide is said to be the whitest of all white lacquer.
Just by having white lacquer, you can mix it with other colors to make various colors. This was spread also the world of lacquer of color.
And now, you can make colored lacquer by mixing it with pigments yourself, and lacquer shops sell mixed lacquer.
If you mix the pigment and lacquer yourself, it will take some time because you need to crush the pigment particles and mix them evenly. Also, depending on the pigment, there is a difference in compatibility with lacquer, so the time it takes will also change.
There are a wide variety of lacquer materials nowadays, but there is a huge amount of time and effort of the people who worked with the developers.
You can easily purchase it put out the money, but I thought I would like to use anew gratitude.
In addition, I wrote this article in order not to forget the achievements of research on white lacquer and colored lacquer, which are said to have been carried out with the enthusiasm of Shisui Rokkaku.
六角紫水 略歴 Biography of Shisui Rokkaku
西暦 Year | 歳 age | 略歴 Biography |
1867 | 0 | 広島県江田島市生まれ Born in Etajima City, Hiroshima Prefecture |
1883 | 16 | 広島県広島師範学校初等師師範科卒業(現・広島大学教育学部) Graduated from Hiroshima Normal School, Hiroshima Prefecture (currently Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University) |
1889 | 22 | 母校で教員を務めたのち、退職 東京美術学校漆工科一期生として入学(現・東京芸術大学) 小川松民・白山松哉に学ぶ Retired after serving as a teacher at his alma mater He entered Tokyo University of the Arts as a first-year lacquer student (currently Tokyo University of the Arts) He learns from Shoumin Ogawa and Shousai Shirayama |
1892 | 25 | 東京美術学校にて1年間の特待生となる。 ★この頃から色漆の研究を始める。 Became a scholarship student at Tokyo Fine Arts School. ★ Around this time, she began researching colored lacquer. |
1893 | 26 | 東京美術学校助教授に就任 結婚(六角廣道の婿養子となり、その後改号 六角紫水となる) Appointed as an assistant professor at Tokyo Fine Arts School Marriage (became the son of Rokkaku Hiromichi, then changed to Shisui Rokkaku) |
1896- | 30 | 岩手県平泉・中尊寺金色堂修繕 Repair of Konjikido of Chusonji Temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture |
1899- | 32 | 古寺調査のため、日本全国各地へ出張 Business trips to various parts of Japan to investigate old temples |
1904- | 37 | アメリカ・ボストン美術館、メトロポリタン美術館に勤務し 東洋美術品の整理に従事 セントルイス万国博覧会にて「色漆応用蒔絵箱」金賞受賞 Worked at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA and the Metropolitan Museum of Art Engaged in organizing oriental works of art Received the Gold Award for “Colored Lacquer Applied Makie Box” at the St. Louis World’s Fair |
1909- | 42 | 東京美術学校にて後進の指導をしながら、 正倉院宝物や楽浪漆器など幅広い研究と応用作品を発表 Presenting a wide range of research and applied works such as Shosoin treasure and Rakuro lacquer ware while teaching younger generations at Tokyo Fine Arts School |
1924 | 57 | 東京美術学校教授に就任 Became a professor at Tokyo Fine Arts School |
1925- | 58 | パリ万国博覧会にて「抹金鏤蓬莱山厨子棚」最高賞名誉大賞受賞 以後文化財調査、多岐にわたる研究、作品の出品受賞多数 Received the highest award and honorary award at the Paris World Exposition Since then, many cultural property surveys, various studies, and many awards for exhibitions of works |
1944 | 77 | 勲四等授瑞宝章を受ける 戦時中は会津若松に疎開 Receive the Order of the Sacred Treasure Evacuated to Aizuwakamatsu during the war |
1946 | 79 | 第1回日展出品 以後、亡くなる前年、第5回日展まで出品 Exhibited at the 1st Japan Fine Arts Exhibition After that, the year before his death, exhibited until the 5th Japan Fine Arts Exhibition |
1950 | 83 | 東京都杉並区自宅にて亡くなる Died at home in Suginami-ku, Tokyo |
He has so many achievements that I can’t write here, so I would like to let me pick up in the coming posts.
白漆の経年変化 Aging of white lacquer
By the way white lacquer is almost that’s high of just dry and humidity conditions skin color, this is in a state in which the brown color by the lacquer has come out strongly, more and curing lacquer over time, it will be whiter.
The fun of colored lacquer may be in such a place.
In addition, an egg shell technique that uses an egg shell to express pure white has been devised and has been handed down to this day. The achievements of modern lacquer artists who lived in the difficult times before and after the war have been handed down to the present day.
参考文献 References
- 小松大秀/加藤 寛『漆芸品の鑑賞基礎知識』.至文堂,1997
- 室瀬和美 田端雅進監修/阿部芳郎 宮腰哲雄 他『地域資源を活かす 生活工芸双書 漆1 漆掻きと漆工 ウルシ利用』.農文協,2018
- 広島県立美術館図録『国宝を創った男 六角紫水展』,2008
- 村野夏生『漆の精 六角紫水伝』.構想社,1994