望月 ゆかり
1987 | 🇯🇵東京都生まれ |
幼少期〜義務教育期間 | タイ🇹🇭バンコク (日本人学校) |
2010 | 学習院女子大学 国際文化交流学部卒 |
在学中 🇩🇪ドイツ短期語学留学2回 (語学ホームステイ/協定校ハンブルク大学語学研修) | |
2008~2014 | 在学中から 百貨店高級筆記具・万年筆売場/万年筆専門店にて販売員 |
大学卒業後、在職中 Goethe-Institut Tokyo ドイツ語語学学校 通学 語学能力証明書 Goethe-Zertifikat B2 取得 | |
2015 | ドイツ・マイスター制度 Ausbildung für Werkzeugmechanikerin (技能工)へ応募 |
🇩🇪ドイツ筆記具メーカー・ドイツ現地工場にて短期研修 労働ビザを取得できず、帰国 →★蒔絵の魅力を再認識 🇯🇵古都・京都へ | |
2017 | 京都伝統工芸大学校 蒔絵科卒 |
第21回京都伝統工芸大学校卒業制作展 フランス総領事賞 及び 京都伝統工芸大学校奨励賞 受賞 | |
2018 | 第57回日本クラフト展 招待審査員 秋元雄史賞 受賞 |
2017〜 | 国内筆記具メーカーにて蒔絵万年筆 製造に携わる |
2022 | 独立 |
Yukari Mochizuki
1987 | born in Tokyo,Japan 🇯🇵 |
Compulsory education period from childhood | Bangkok,Thailand 🇹🇭(Japanese school) |
2010 | Graduated from Gakushuin Women’s College, Faculty of International Cultural Exchange |
While in College, 2 short-term language study abroad programs in Germany 🇩🇪(Language homestay, Language training at the University of Hamburg) | |
2008~2014 | Salesperson at department store fountain pen section, fountain pen specialty store |
During employment ,Goethe Institute school in Tokyo Obtaining a language proficiency certificate Goethe-Zertifikat B2 | |
2015 | Apply for the German Meister system “Ausbildung für Werkzeugmechanikerin” |
Short-term training at a local factory of a German stationery manufacturer 🇩🇪 After that, I didn’t get a work visa, so I returned to Japan →→→★Recognize the charm of Maki-e →→To the ancient city of Kyoto 🇯🇵 | |
2017 | Graduated Traditional Arts Super College of Kyoto,Department of Maki-e |
21st Traditional Arts Super College Graduation Exhibition ,Kyoto,Japan Received the Consulate General of France Award and Incentive Award | |
2018 | 57st Japan Craft Exhibition Received Jury Mr.Yuji Akimoto Special Award |
2017~ | Worked to manufacture Maki-e fountain pens at a stationery manufacturer in Japan |
2022 | Independence |
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Interview article
I was interviewed by a nice online magazine for fountain pen lovers. If you are interested, please read it.