常用漢字 「漆」 Kanji 「漆」for regular use in Japan
総画数 Kanji total number of strokes | 14画 14 strokes |
部首 Kanji radical | 氵(さんずい) “SANZUI” |
音読み the Chinese reading of character | シツ・シチ・セツ・セチ・シ “SHITSU” “SHICHI” “SETSU” “SECHI” “SHI” |
訓読み the Japanese reading of character | うるし “URUSHI” |
漢字レベル Kanji level | 漢字検定準2級(高校在学中程度)/日本語能力検定N1 Kanji test in Japan level semi 2 / Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 |
「漆」の意味 Meaning of 「漆」
- 「植物としてのうるしの木」 Lacquer tree as a plant
- 「うるしの木から出る樹液」 Sap from lacquer tree
- 「漆器の塗料」 Lacquer ware paint
残念ながら高校時代、大して勉強していなかった私は「漆」という漢字に出会った記憶が全くありません。笑 しかし我が家では漆器は毎日の食事のお椀やお正月で使用していたため、意識せずに「漆」さん、いらっしゃいました。私自身の意識的には「蒔絵」から始まり「漆」を勉強してきました。
Today’s Japanese children have grown up unfamiliar with the kanji “漆”, and it may not be until become high school students that this kanji appears that they think ” what? “漆??”.Or the child of the household who uses lacquer ware at home may already have kanji “漆” nearby.
Unfortunately , when I was in high school , I didn’t study much, and I don’t remember encountering the kanji “漆”.However, at my home, lacquer ware was used in daily meal bowls and during the New Year, so “漆” was familiar to me without being aware of it.In my own consciousness, I have been studying “lacquer” starting with “maki-e”.
When I looked up the kanji “漆”, I found that the history was tightly packed with just one kanji.
The Chinese character “漆” that came from China.Lacquer has already existed and been used since the Jomon period, long before humans wrote letters.Since China used the kanji “漆” earlier, it seems that when the kanji was imported from China to Japan, it was adopted in Japan as it was.
Many plant trees have a Chinese character with a radical of “木(tree)”.For example, pine tree “松”,camphor tree “楠”,plum tree “梅”,apricot tree”杏”.Why “漆” different from other plants?
It is thought that this is because the emphasis was on the value of the sap rather that the tree.It seems that this”桼” was the original character of Urushi, without “氵”.
この「桼」という字を紐解くと↓ I unraveled it and drew it:)

「木」から「樹液、汁が流れる形」「水滴が点々と落ちる姿」 これは個人的見解ですが、 日本の漆掻きの仕方が一直線であるのに対して、(ホーム写真に載せているような感じ) 中国は「桼」の字の真ん中の「ハ」の字の反対のV字の掻き方があるので まさに「へ」の字のところから樹液が出て来るような象形文字を思わせる字なので そこにも由来するのでは?と思いました。 The shape of sap and juice flowing from the tree The appearance of water drops falling This is my personal opinion, while Japanese lacquer is scraped in a straight line(It feels like it's in the photo),China has a V-shaped squeeze, which is the opposite of the letter "ハ” in the middle of the letter "漆”.I thought it might be derived from that as well.
音読みの由来 Origin of reading aloud
- 「シツ」「シチ」「シ」→うるしの木から汁が滲み出る音「シュッ シュッ」
- 「セツ」「セチ」→「シチ」の音が対転して密接の接と同じ意味「セツ」「セチ」に。
部首の氵(さんずい)は後からついたもので、元々「漆」という川の名前があり、「桼」という字がやがて廃れ、「漆」を「うるし」の意で借用して「漆」になったとされています。後付けされたものでその借用に際しての経緯資料は残されていません。借用された字との区別は不明ですが、「シツ」と読み、うるしの意味を持つ「木」へんの字も存在します。しかし、歴史上 日本語としては使用されてこなかった漢字です。「木」へんではなく、水の意味のある氵(さんずい)の「漆」という字が、長い長い歴史の中で言葉や字を使う人間たちによって受け継がれていったという事実がうるしを認識するには相応しいと考えられてきた確固たる証拠ではないかと思います。「漆」という字は、水分をたっぷり含んで生きているような不思議な樹液を示す素晴らしい一字のようです。
- “shitsu” “shichi” “shi” →The sound of juice oozing from a lacquer tree, like “shuts -shuts”.
- “setsu” “sechi” →The sound of “shichi” turned around and became “setsu” and “sechi”, which have the same meaning as close contact.
There are various theories.
If you think that it was associated with the word “close(密接)”,you can see that it already used as an adhesive before the formation of the kanji.There are various speculations, but it seems that the meanings wood and sap are common and influential.
The radical “氵”(SANZUI) was attached later, and originally had the name of the river “漆”,and it is said that word “桼” was abolished and “漆” was borrowed in the sense of lacquer to become “漆”.It was retrofitted and no background material was left for the borrowing.It is unclear how to distinguish it from the borrowed characters, but there are also characters on the ”木”side that are read as “SHITSU” and have the meaning of lacquer. However, it is a kanji that has not been used as Japanese in history. To recognize the fact that the word “桼” in “氵” which means water, not “木(tree)”,has been inherited by people who use words and letters in a long and long history. Is a solid proof that has been considered appropriate.The word “漆” seems to be a wonderful word that indicates a mysterious sap that seems to be alive with plenty of water.
漢数字の大字としての「漆」 ”漆” as a substitute for Chinese numerals
「シチ」という音読みから「漆」の字は、 数字が改竄されないようにする目的で使われる数字の7(七)の大字として使われているようです。 例:漆拾伍(75)、漆萬円(7万円) あまり見かけたことはないので、今回調べてみて発見した豆知識の一つです。 From the Chinese reading of "shichi",the character "漆" seems to be used as a substitute for the number 7, which is used to prevent the numbers from being tampered with. Ex.)漆 拾 伍(7 10 5 →75),漆 萬 円(7 10000 Yen →70,000) I haven't seen it so much, so it's one of the bean knowledge I found by investigating this time.
参考文献を元に自分の意見も交えながらまとめてみましたが、あくまでも諸説あり、研究者による見解のようなお話なので楽しんで読んでいただけましたら幸いです。漢字や言葉一つでも色々調べると文化・文明を辿るようでワクワクな筆者です。漆のふるさと、中国で誰かがうるしを想って「桼」という字をつけてやがて氵が付いて「漆」となり、長い間 受け継がれてきた「漆」という漢字を大事に書きたいと思えました。
I tried to summarize it with my own opinions based on the references, but there are various theories, and it is a story like the opinion of a researcher,so I hope you enjoy reading it.It’s exciting to look up even a single kanji or word to trace culture and civilization.The hometown of lacquer, someone in China thought of lacquer and added the character “桼”, and eventually “氵”was added to become “漆”and I want to write carefully the kanji “漆” that has been passed down for a long time.
If new research results ,etc.are announced or added to this post,I would like to update and edit it from time to time.
This time,I focused on the kanji and Chinese reading of “漆”,but in another article, I would like to unravel the Japanese reading “urushi”.
参考文献 References
- 松田権六.『うるしの話』.岩波文庫,1964
- 藤澤保子.『図説 日本の文化をさぐる うるしの文化』.小峰書店,2003
- 室瀬和美.『受け継がれる日本の美 漆の文化』.角川選書,2002
- 安倍郁二 伊藤清三 中山修三 六角大壌.『漆芸入門 うるし工芸の美』.光芸出版.1972
- 国立歴史民俗博物館編『企画展示 URUSHIふしぎ物語ー人と漆の12000年史ー』.2017
- 山本勝巳.『漆百科』.丸善株式会社.2008