安倍郁二 伊藤清三 中山修三 六角大壌(1972).漆芸入門 うるし工芸の美 光芸出版
The kanji 「漆」( read as 「shitsu」「shichi」「setsu」「sechi」「shi」)came from China, but when did it become a Japanese name 「urushi」?Clear materials and old books do not specify how long it has been, and it has not been clarified yet.
However, it says,”In Japan’s Izumo-no-kuni-Fudoki” around the 8th century, lacquer characters are read as 「shitsu」”, and it seems that they know this far.And there are various theories about the etymology of lacquer, and it has been clarified yet.I would like to introduce any theory because it is an important theory that people involved in lacquer took time to think about lacquer.
転訛説 Corruption theory
造語名詞 Coined noun
潤液(うるしる)塗液(ぬるしる)→ → →「うるし」 Moisturizing juice ("urushiru"in Japanese) Juice to apply ("nurushiru" in Japanese) → → →The word "urushi" has changed.
潤師(うるし)→ うるし Moisturizing engineer ("urushi" in Japanese) → → → The words were applied,"urushi".
+為(し)(動詞) + do (“shi” in Japanses as a verb)
色(いろ)+為(し)→ → → うるし ※漆は時間が経てば立つほど透明感が出て色が冴えてくるので、その動作を示している。 「色(いろ)」という字を当てて言い方が「うる」へ変化したではないかという説 colour ("iro" in Japanese) + do ("shi" in Japanese) → → The word "urushi" has changed. ※The lacquer becomes more transparent as time goes by, and the color becomes clearer, so it shows its operation.
潤(うる)+為(し)→ → →うるし ※潤(うる)→光沢を指し、光沢を出す動作、工作を示している という説 Moisture ("uru" in Japanese ) + do ("shi" in Japanese) → → ※The theory that moisturizing "uru" refers to luster and indicates the movement and work to bring out luster.
形容詞 Adjective
麗し(うるわし)美し(うつくし)→ → →「うるし」 Beautiful("uruwashi""utsukushi" in Japanese) → → → The word "urushi" has changed.
Hiragana in the black represents Japan.
The Chinese characters,”Kanji”, in red represent China.
I wrote the hiragana and kanji that have appeared so far together.I will still introduce other theories below.
接頭辞説 Joints word-theory
接頭辞 「う」+「漆」(シツ・シ)→ → →「うるし」 昔、漢字が日本に入ってきたときに 漢字の実物が美しかったり、大きかったり、可愛いものであった場合、 漢字の音の接頭に「う」を付けて発音したものが多かったそうです。 例)「う」+「梅」(メイ)→ → →「うめ」 「う」+「馬」(マ)→ → →「うま」 きっと 漆=美しいもの という認識から「う」が付いたのでは? という日本人の美的感覚を感じられる心温まる説 Joint words"u" (Meaningless words in Japanese) + 「漆」(kanji called lacquer, read "shitsu"or "shi") → → → The word "urushi" has changed. In the old days, when kanji came into Japan, if the actual kanji was beautiful, large,or cute, it was often pronounced with "u" added to the prefix of kanji sound. Ex.) Joint words "U"+ 「梅」"MEI"→ → → ”UME" "U"+ 「馬」"MA" → → → "UMA" A heartwarming theory that you can feel the aesthetic sense of the Japanese people that the prefix may have been added from the recognition that lacquer is beautiful.
縄文祖語説 Jomon Proto-language theory
漆の硬化・個化メカニズムをストレートに表現したのではないかという説 The theory that the hardening and solidification mechanism of lacquer may be expressed straightforwardly.
字 Character | うる “uru” → → → | し “shi” |
状態 Status | 水分を含んで潤っている、膨らんだ状態 → → Moisturized and swollen | 固まった、動かない、止まった状態 Hardened,stuck,stopped |
化学変化 Chemical change | 液体 → → → liquid | 固体 solid |
色々な諸説をまとめて見てご紹介しましたが、全ての説に共通しているのは、やはり「潤(うる)」の光沢や透明感といったうるしのもつ「美しさ」のようです。「うるし」には日本人の美しいという価値観、DNA がぎゅっと詰まっているようです。
I have introduced various theories together, but what all the theories have in common seems to be the beauty of lacquer, such as the luster and transparency of the word “Uru”.The word “urushi” seems to be packed with the Japanese value of beauty and DNA.
And I think that the word lacquer has warm and comfortable sound.
As I grew up,I learned about the outside world, studied Englisch and German, and once again felt the warmth of the sounds of Japanese. Also, when foreigners speak Japanese, I feel that it is a little softer because people who are not their mother tongue speak their own language hard and the freshness of Japanese as a sound from the outside world.May feel warm as it provided and touches my roots.It’s just my personal opinion.
参考文献 references
- 松田権六.『うるしの話』.岩波文庫,1964
- 室瀬和美.『受け継がれる日本の美 漆の文化』.角川選書,2002
- 藤澤保子.『図説 日本の文化をさぐる うるしの文化』.小峰書店,2003
- 安倍郁二 伊藤清三 中山修三 六角大壌.『漆工芸入門 うるし工芸の美』.光芸出版,1972
- 山本勝巳.『漆百科』.丸善株式会社,2008
- 荒川浩和.『漆工芸』.カラーブックス,1982
- 岡田譲.『日本の美術38 日本の漆工』.小学館,1975
- 国立歴史民俗博物館編『企画展示 URUSHI ふしぎ物語ー人と漆の12000年史ー』.2017
本当にそうですね!唯一無二の美しさです☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆