In the previous post, I wrote that the roots of lacquer ware producing areas all over Japan were often Kyoto, so this time I will summarize them in a little more detail in order from the Tohoku region.
I haven’t been to all the production areas, but if you are in Japan, you will have a relatively good chance to know about the annual tableware festival at Tokyo Dome, the traditional Japanese craft exhibition, and the local product exhibitions at department stores. Basically, based on the references, I will summarize the places I have been to with a few photos.

Here, I will focus on the rough roots, and I would like to post individual posts on techniques and so on.

東北地方 Tohoku region
(青森県)津軽塗 (Aomori Prefecture) Tsugaru Nuri

年代 period | 重要人物 Key person | 始まりと出来事 Beginnings and events |
江戸時代中期〜 Mid-Edo period ~ | 塗師 池田源兵衛 Nushi ・Genbei Ikeda | ①弘前藩四代藩主 津軽信政が 若狭出身の塗師の池田源兵衛を弘前に呼び寄せた。 ①Nobumasa Tsugaru, the fourth feudal lord of the Hirosaki Domain, called Genbei Ikeda, a painter(Nushi) from Wakasa, to Hirosaki. ②その後、源兵衛が藩主の命により 江戸の塗師の青海太郎左衛門に入門し技術を磨こうと江戸に行くも、その後江戸で亡くなった。 ② After that, Genbei was ordered by the feudal lord. He became a disciple of Seigai Tarozaemon, a painter (Nushi) in Edo, and went to Edo to hone his skills, but he died in Edo after that. |
二代目 源兵衛 (青海源兵衛) Genbei II (Seigai Genbei) | ②息子の源太郎が父の意志を継ぎ、同じ江戸の青海太郎左衛門に入門 技術を磨き、師匠青海太郎左衛門より「青海波塗」を伝授された。 ③師匠の太郎左衛門が死去後、弘前へ帰郷 ②Son Gentaro inherits his father’s will and becomes a disciple at Seigai Tarozaemon in the same Tokyo. After refining his skills, he was taught “Seigaiha-nuri” by his master, Seigai Tarozaemon. ③ Return to Hirosaki after his teacher, Tarozaemon, died. 師の姓青海と父の名源兵衛を継いで 「青海源兵衛」を名乗るようになった。 独自の技法=津軽塗の原型を確立 刀の鞘、文庫、硯箱と様々なものが津軽塗された Inheriting the teacher’s surname Aomi and his father’s name Genbei He came to call himself “Seigai Genbei”. Established his original technique = Tsugaru Nuri prototype Various things such as sword scabbard, paperback, and suzuri-bako were painted with Tsugaru-nuri. | |
1873〜 | ウィーン万国博覧会にて「津軽塗」漆器として出品 その後、「津軽塗」と呼称される Exhibited as “Tsugaru Nuri” lacquerware at the Vienna World’s Fair After that, it was called “Tsugaru Nuri”. 大衆化していくものの、戦争や世界恐慌などで打撃を受ける Although it became popular, it was hit by the war and the Great Depression. | |
1975 | 国指定伝統工芸品に認定 Certified as a national traditional craft | |
2017 | 重要無形文化財指定 Designated as an important intangible cultural property |

In summary, the roots of Tsugaru Nuri are the technology of “Wakasa” + “Edo (Tokyo)”.

In addition, “Edo lacquer ware” was originally set up in Edo, and Ieyasu Tokugawa called in excellent craftsmen such as Kyoto.
“Wakasa lacquer ware” is said to have its roots in the area around Obama City, Fukui Prefecture, with reference to lacquer ware from China.
地域 Area | 材料 Material | 下地 Base | 伝統技法(津軽塗) Traditional technique (Tsugaru-nuri) |
青森県弘前市 Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture | (天然木)青森ヒバ (Natural wood) Aomori Hiba 漆 Urushi | 本堅地 Honkataji | 唐塗 Kara-nuri 七々子塗 Nanako-nuri 紋紗塗 Monsya-nuri 錦塗 Nishiki-nuri ↑上記の塗名を「津軽塗」とも呼称しています。 ↑ The above nuri-name is also called “Tsugaru-nuri”. |

Repeatedly painting and sharpening many layers of Tsugaru-nuri made in a snowy village. It is also called “stupid painting (Baka-nuri)” because of its steady and earnest work. I think this is the “stupid (Baka)” of “stupid honesty (Baka-shoujiki)” used in Japanese in a good sense.

※The photo is a photographable item at the Hirosaki Municipal Tourist Center.

I use the Tsugaru-nuri chopsticks I bought when I went to Hirosaki City for my daily chopsticks. The right side of the photo is Nanako-nuri, and the left is Kara-nuri.
Lacquered chopsticks are easy to use because they feel light and stick to your hands. Of course, most of the Tsugaru-nuri ones are expensive, but chopsticks are easy to buy, easy to take home, and recommended as souvenirs.
本堅地とは。。。。 漆芸の下地の技法名。下地技法の中でも最も工程が多いとされています。 布着せや漆を用いた下地漆を重ねて、堅牢な下地に仕上げる技法。 非常に堅いこと、堅くはがれないという意味で「本堅地」と言います。 What is "Honkataji"? .. .. .. The technique name of the base of lacquering. It is said that this "Honkataji" has the most processes in the groundwork technique. A technique for layering base lacquer using cloth or lacquer to create a robust base. It is called "Honkataji" in the sense that it is very hard and cannot be peeled off firmly.
(岩手県)秀衡塗/浄法寺塗 (Iwate Prefecture) Hidehira Nuri / Joboji Nuri
秀衡塗 Hidehira Nuri

年代 period | 重要人物 Key person | 始まりと出来事 Beginnings and events |
平安時代末期〜 Late Heian period ~ | 藤原秀衡 Fujiwara no Hidehira | ①武将 藤原秀衡が京都から金色堂造営のために、職人を呼んだ由縁 ①It started when the military commander Fujiwara no Hidehira called a craftsman from Kyoto to build the Golden Hall(Konjikido). |
室町時代後期〜 Late Muromachi period ~ | 現在の「秀衡塗」の確立 その後、高級品の為あまり知られず衰退 Establishment of the current “Hidehira-nuri” After that, it declined because it was a luxury item and was not well known. | |
1935 | 沓沢岩松 Iwamatsu Kutsuzawa | ②秋田より招かれた川連塗職人・沓沢岩松により「秀衡塗」復元 ②Restoration of “Hidehira-nuri” by Iwamatsu Kutsuzawa, a Kawatsura-nuri Craftsman invited by Akita. |
1985 | 国指定伝統工芸品に認定 Certified as a national traditional craft |

The roots of the current “Hidehira-nuri” are “Kyoto” and “Akita”. It is a traditional craft created by drawing on the flow of gorgeous Buddhist art.

The Hidehira-nuri lacquer ware in my house is about 30 to 40 years old, but it is still usable. The gold leaf part seems to be easy to peel off or decrease. I took a picture of the lacquer ware used that still has relatively gold leaf.

The vermilion part and the line drawing part of the colored lacquer are graceful lines, but there is a handmade feeling that you can see that the craftsman drew it by hand. The groundwork is also solid, so I use it without any worries even if I handle it a little rough.
地域 Area | 材料 Material | 下地 Base | 伝統技法(秀衡塗) |
岩手県西磐井郡 Nishiiwai District, Iwate Prefecture | ブナ・ケヤキ・トチの木 金と漆 Beech, zelkova, tochi tree Gold and lacquer | 本堅地 Honkataji | 雲や菱形の模様を 金箔を使用して加飾 Clouds and rhombuses Decorating with gold leaf |
浄法寺塗 Joboji-nuri

年代 period | 重要人物 Key person | 始まりと出来事 Beginnings and events |
奈良時代〜 Nara period ~ | 僧侶・行基 Monk / Gyoki | 近畿地方を中心に仏教を流布していた僧侶・行基が 聖武天皇の命を受けて「八葉山天台寺」を開山 →このお寺の開山のために派遣された僧侶たちが 自分の什器に漆工技術を持ち込んだことが始まり Gyoki, a Buddhist priest who spread Buddhism mainly in the Kinki region, built “Hachiyou-zan Tendaiji Temple” at the behest of Emperor Shomu. → It started when the monks dispatched to open the temple brought lacquering techniques to their tableware. |
江戸時代 Edo period | 藩主に献上する金箔を使った豪華な「箔椀」も作られる A gorgeous “foil lacquer ware” using gold leaf presented to the feudal lord is also made. | |
明治時代 Meiji perios | 「箔椀」廃れる 庶民の使う塗りのお椀の普及 “Foil lacquer ware” has declined Popularization of painted lacquer ware used by the common people | |
近代・戦後 Modern and postwar | 大量生産、輸入漆の影響で廃れる Declined due to mass production and imported lacquer | |
1975〜 | 地元の漆掻き職人、塗師により復活 Revived by a local lacquer craftsman and nushi | |
1985 | 国指定伝統工芸品に認定 Certified as a national traditional craft |

Joboji Town is located near Aomori Prefecture, which is located above Iwate Prefecture. I’m not sure how much I had interacted with Hiraizumi. However, it can be seen that there are elements that are more rooted in the daily lives of ordinary people than HidehiraNuri from the beginning.

Since it is a monk’s lacquering technique from the Kinki region, it is thought that it has roots in lacquering in the Kansai region. In addition, the groundwork method is a traditional technique that can still be seen in various places. It is a base technique that was often used in Nanban lacquer ware, a lacquer ware for export that was often made in Kyoto during the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
There was also a museum near Tendaiji Temple in Joboji Town. Unfortunately, it was not possible to take pictures of the museum, but there were many exhibits such as the history of lacquer scratching and lacquer scratching tools.
地域 Area | 材料 Material | 下地 Base | 伝統技法(浄法寺塗) |
岩手県二戸市浄法寺町 Joboji Town, Ninohe City, Iwate Prefecture | トチ・ケヤキ・ミズメ この土地の高品質な漆 Tochi, zelkova, and Mizume High quality lacquer of this land | 蒔地下地 Makiji-Base 漆地下地 Urushiji-Base | 朱か黒色 漆使用 「花塗」(塗立て) 「呂色塗」 Uses red or black lacquer “Hana-nuri” (Nuri-tate) “Roiro-nuri” |
蒔地下地・・・ 蒔地用漆、塗る → 地の粉or炭粉、蒔く → 乾かす → 生漆を塗る(蒔地固め)→ 下塗り → 研ぎ → 中塗り → 上塗り Makiji-Base ... Lacquer for Makiji, apply → Jinoko powder or charcoal powder, sprinkle → dry → apply raw lacquer (harden) → undercoat → sharpen → middle coat → topcoat 漆地下地・・・ 砥粉下地漆で木地面を整えた後、漆を7〜8回ほど塗り重ねることによる「重ね塗り」下地 Urushiji-Base ... After preparing the wooden ground with Sabi-urushi, "overcoating" base by applying lacquer(only Urushi) about 7 to 8 times.
Hana-nuri(Nuri-tate) →→→ How to apply the final topcoat and let it dry, then leave it as it is without sharpening.
(秋田県)川連漆器 (Akita Prefecture) Kawatsura-Shikki
年代 Period | 重要人物 Key person | 始まりと出来事 Beginnings and events |
鎌倉時代 Kamakura period | 源頼朝 小野寺一族 Minamoto no Yoritomo Onodera clan | 源頼朝の家臣・小野寺重道公が、川連村(現在の湯沢市)を支配 →家臣に武具に漆を塗ることを伝授 Minamoto no Yoritomo’s vassal, Shigemichi Onodera, dominates Kawatsura Village (now Yuzawa City) → Teach the vassals to apply lacquer to the armor |
江戸時代 Edo period | 武具からお椀を始めとする日用品にも漆を塗るようになる From armor to bowls and other daily necessities, lacquer was applied. | |
沈金・蒔絵などの加飾も研究 他の地への販路も拡大、産業基盤が築き上げられる Decorations such as Chinkin and Maki-e were also studied. Expanded sales channels to other areas and build an industrial base | ||
1928 | 秋田県立川連漆器試験場が設立 技術研究と開発を進める Akita Prefectural Kawaren Lacquerware Experiment Station established Advance technological research and development | |
1955 | 国指定伝統工芸品に認定 Certified as a national traditional craft |

The Onodera clan, a vassal of Minamoto no Yoritomo, is originally from Tochigi prefecture in the northern Kanto region, but from the trend of the war, he has a history of being in Kyoto as well. Therefore, it is considered that the lacquering technique was obtained in Kyoto or the Kinki region. (I couldn’t find an exact reference, so it’s just a guess.)
地域 Area | 材料 Material | 下地 | 伝統技法(川連漆器) |
秋田県湯沢市 Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture | 秋田県内のブナ・トチの木 Beech tree and tochi tree in Akita prefecture | 生漆を何度も塗る地塗り下地 (柿渋が使われていたが入手が困難となり、現在では生漆が使用されている) Ground coating base to which raw lacquer is applied many times (Kakishibu was used, but it became difficult to obtain it, and now raw lacquer is used.) 轆轤挽きの底を厚くするため、布を貼り不要としている To thicken the bottom of the potter’s wheel, it is not necessary to attach a cloth. | 花塗り(塗立て) Hana-nuri 呂色塗り Roiro-nuri 沈金 Chinkin |
In addition, it is said that the brush “Komage”, which is a bundle of horse tails, is used as the base of Kawatsura lacquer ware, and this is said to be a tool used only in the Kawatsura area.
(宮城県)鳴子漆器 (Miyagi Prefecture) Naruko Shikki
年代 Period | 重要人物 Key person | 始まりと出来事 Beginnings and events |
江戸時代 〜 | 伊達敏親 Toshichika Date 塗師・村田卯兵衛 Nushi・Uhei Murata 蒔絵師・菊田三蔵 Makie-artisan ・ Sanzo Kikuta | 岩出山伊達家・伊達敏親が 塗師・村田卯兵衛と蒔絵師・菊田三蔵を京都へ派遣 →京漆器技術を習得 Iwadeyama Date family and Toshichika Date Dispatched Nushi Uhei Murata and Maki-e artist Sanzou Kikuta to Kyoto → Learn Kyoto lacquer technique その後、帰郷し鳴子漆器を確立 After that, they returned home and established Naruko-Shikki. |
1952 | 沢口悟一 Goichi Sawaguchi | 鳴子出身の漆芸研究家・沢口悟一が変わり塗り技法として 「龍文塗り」を考案、以後鳴子漆器の代表となる Goichi Sawaguchi, a lacquering researcher from Naruko, devised “Ryumon-nuri” as a painting technique and became the representative of Naruko-Shikki. |

It is said that Naruko-Shikki was actively produced for a while, but now it is said that its appearance as a production center has almost disappeared. The number of craftsmen is decreasing, and it is said that only a few continue to make it.
地域 Area | 材料 Material | 下地 Base | 伝統技法(鳴子漆器) |
宮城県大崎市 Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture | ケヤキ Zelkova | 錆地 Sabiji | 木地呂塗 Kijiro-nuri 龍文塗 Ryumon-nuri |
(福島県)喜多方漆器/会津漆器 (Fukushima) Kitakata-Shikki / Aizu-Shikki
年代 period | 重要人物 Key person | 始まりと出来事 Beginnings and events |
安土桃山時代 Azuchi-Momoyama period | 蒲生氏郷 Ujisato Gamo | 豊臣秀吉の命で武将・蒲生氏郷が近江國(現滋賀県)から来て領主となる →その際に多くの木地師、塗り師の職人を招き入れたのが始まり At the behest of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the military commander Ujisato Gamo came from Omi Province (currently Shiga Prefecture) and became the lord. → At that time, he invited many woodworkers and painters. |
江戸時代 Edo period | 保科正之 Masayuki Hoshina | 藩主・保科正之が漆の木を保護 京都から蒔絵技術伝わる The feudal lord, Hoshina Masayuki, made a policy to protect the lacquer tree. Maki-e technique is transmitted from Kyoto |
明治時代 Meiji period | 鈴木治三郎 Jisaburo Suzuki | 「鈴木式スリ型ロクロ」(ガイド付き轆轤)の発明により 生産性向上 Increased productivity through the invention of the “Suzuki-style Suri-type potter’s wheel” (guided wheel) |
1975 | 国指定伝統工芸品に認定(会津塗) Certified as a national traditional craft “Aizu-nuri” | |
2019 | 会津若松市の指定無形文化財指定(工芸技術) Designated as an intangible cultural property by Aizuwakamatsu City (craft technology) |

The Aizu region is still one of the most famous lacquer ware producing areas. As with other production areas, we have repeatedly improved the mass production technology of lacquer ware while hitting various walls, and we have also set up a training center to maintain successors.
With the spread of plastics, many inexpensive substitute lacquer wares are appearing, and it is said that trends in traditional wooden lacquer ware manufacturing will become important in the future.
地域 Area | 材料 Material | 下地 Base | 伝統技法(喜多方漆器/会津漆器) |
福島県会津若松市 Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture | 漆 Urushi ホオ・トチ・ケヤキ・セン Magnolia obovata, Tochi-tree,zelkova, sen | 渋下地 Shibu-base 錆下地 Sabi-base | 花塗り(塗立て) Hana-nuri きじろ塗 Kijiro-nuri 金虫喰い塗 Kanemushikui-nuri 消粉蒔絵 Keishifun-Makie 朱磨き Shu-migaki 会津絵 Aizu-e |
(新潟県)村上木彫堆朱/新潟漆器 (Niigata Prefecture) Murakami Wood Carving Tsuishu / Niigata-Shikki
村上木彫堆朱 Murakami Wood Carving Tsuishu
年代 period | 始まりと出来事 Beginnings and events |
古墳時代〜 Kofun period~ | 日本で唯一の漆の神社「漆山神社」建立 →以後、明治時代まで全国一の漆産地だった The only lacquer shrine in Japan, “Urushiyama Shrine” was built → Since then, it was the number one lacquer producing area in Japan until the Meiji era. |
室町時代 Muromachi period | 京都から来た漆工職人により漆塗り技法伝わる The lacquering technique was introduced by a lacquer craftsman from Kyoto. |
江戸時代 Edo period | 現在の「村上木彫堆朱」の技法が確立 Established the current technique of “Murakami wood carvings Tsuishu” |
1955 | 「新潟県無形文化財」に指定 Designated as “Niigata Prefecture Intangible Cultural Property” |
1976 | 国指定伝統工芸品に認定 Certified as a national traditional craft |

In addition to Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture had many production bases in Nagaoka City, Kashiwazaki City, and Joetsu City, but there are almost no remaining.
地域 Area | 材料 Material | 下地 | 伝統技法(村上木彫堆朱) |
新潟県村上市 Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture | トチ・ホオ・カツラ Horse chestnut, magnolia, wig | 漆下地 Urushi-base | 堆朱・堆黒 Tsuishu・Tsuikoku 朱溜塗・色漆塗・金磨塗・三彩彫 Shutame-nuri/Irourushi-nuri/Kinma-nuri/Sansaibori →いずれも木彫後、漆塗り → All are lacquered after wood carving |
新潟漆器 Niigata-Shikki
年代 Period | 重要人物 Key person | 始まりと出来事 Beginnings and events |
鎌倉時代 Kamakura period | 親鸞・日蓮 Shinran / Nichiren | 僧侶の親鸞や日蓮が仏具製作のため、漆塗り職人を招く Monks’ parents and Nichiren invite lacquer craftsmen to make Buddhist altars |
戦国時代 Sengoku period | 武将が塗師に武具を塗らせていた(特定人物不明) The military commander had the nushi paint the armor (specific person unknown) | |
江戸時代 Edo period | 秋田県県能代の春慶塗が伝わる (→2010年後継者不在で途絶えています) 能代春慶塗は、岐阜出身の漆工・山打三九郎から伝わっています。 Akita Prefecture Noshiro’s Shunkei-nuri was transmitted (→ Noshiro Shunkei-nuri has been cut off due to the absence of a successor in 2010) Noshiro Shunkei Nuri was introduced by Sankuro Yamauchi, a lacquer craftsman from Gifu. | |
渡邊源蔵 Genzo Watanabe 畠清兵衛 Seibei Hatake | <技術伝授・考案> ・三根山藩士・渡邊源蔵 ・会津若松の畠清兵衛 ・ Mitsuneyama feudal lord, Genzo Watanabe ・ Seibei Hatake of Aizuwakamatsu | |
船の寄港地として多様な漆芸品が伝わる A variety of lacquering products were introduced as a port of call for ships. | ||
会津から職人が来て蒔絵の技術が伝えられる A craftsman came from Aizu to convey the technique of lacquer work,Maki-e | ||
1870 | 橋本市蔵 Ichizo Hashimoto | 東京で有名な鞘塗師・橋本市蔵 (仙台出身)、竹塗を考案。 Invented bamboo-nuri by Ichizo Hashimoto (from Sendai), a famous scabbard nushi in Tokyo. |
2003 | 国指定伝統工芸品に認定 Certified as a national traditional craft |

地域 Area | 材料 Material | 下地 | 伝統技法(新潟漆器) |
新潟県新潟市 Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture | ヒノキ・ケヤキ・松など Hinoki, zelkova, pine, etc. | 錆下地 Sabi-base | 花塗 Hana-nuri 石目塗 Ishime-nuri 錦塗 Nishiki-nuri 磯草塗 Isokusa-nuri 竹塗 Take-nuri ↑上記5技法が伝統工芸品として認定 ↑ The above 5 techniques are certified as traditional crafts 他にも金磨塗、青銅塗、青貝塗、呂色塗、紫檀塗、夕日塗と様々な技法があります。 There are various other techniques such as Kinma-nuri, Seido-nuri, blue shell-nuri, roiro-nuri, rosewood-nuri, and sunset-nuri. |
As much of the history of the Tohoku region’s production areas, we have learned and developed techniques from the outside in order to take advantage of the characteristics of the land, which is rich in lacquer and natural wood as a base.
Also, nowadays, the transportation network is much more convenient than it used to be. In the mountainous Tohoku region, various roots may be possible considering that imports and exports using ships were the mainstream in the past. Unfortunately, there are some production areas that have been cut off due to the lack of successors, and I just hope that the goodness of traditional crafts will become even more known.
I have been to Hirosaki City , Aomori Prefecture (Tsugaru-nuri) and Iwate Prefecture (Hidehiranuri/Joboji-nuri). I haven’t been to other areas yet, so I’d definitely like to go if I feel calm in the future.

And in fact, since 2020, JR rail passes around the Tohoku region have been released for tourists. I first learned that a Taiwanese person I met in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, used this Tohoku Rail Pass to travel around.

行かれる方は是非活用してみて漆器の産地巡りをしてみてください (↓JR東日本リンク)
If you go, please take advantage of it and visit the lacquer ware production areas (↓ JR East Link).
参考文献 References