If the lacquer is sticky, dilute it.
I mainly used turpentine at school. (★ What you use depends on the person.)
I first learned about “turpentine” after I entered school.
If you have experience in oil painting, you may be familiar with it. In my case, I was told that I would use this because I was completely unfamiliar with it, and I used it as it was. At that time, I used it without pursuing it so deeply.
I would like to summarize what it is like.
希釈で使われる溶剤 Solvent used for dilution
Various solvents are currently used in lacquering.
The following are examples of solvents for diluting lacquer. ↓
- 塗料用の片脳油 camphor oil for paint (White oil obtained by refining the rest of camphor from camphor oil.)
- 樟脳油・カンファー Camphor oil / camphor
- テレピン油 Turpentine
- 灯油 kerosene
- 塗料用シンナー(ラッカーシンナーとは異なります)Paint thinner (different from lacquer thinner)
Looking through the books in the bibliography, the solvent used for dilution is turpentine oil for recent books, and camphor oil and kerosene for old books.
Some people dilute it with kerosene, while others prefer not to use kerosene. Some people prefer only camphor oil because it evaporates slowly. This time, I was a little confused because each book has different things to use.

Personally, I use turpentine to dilute the Maki-e powder. When loosening the lacquer to be applied, camphor (solid camphor oil) is used.
Loosening the lacquer with a liquid makes it difficult to adjust and loosens too much, so I use solid camphor.
I’ve done both kerosene and turpentine, but I don’t feel any significant difference. Kerosene is thicker, and I think it is a little slower in volatility.
I’ve searched a lot, but there’s no clear reason, and no one has proved it based on scientific data. It cannot be determined which is the best or which is the worst. In fact, all solvents exist in the world and are sold, so please try the one that is easy to use and make your own judgment.
If you have any useful information in the field of lacquering regarding solvents, I would appreciate it if you could let us know.
This time I will focus on turpentine.
揮発性油:テレピン Volatile oil: terepine
Turpentine is an oil made by distilling and refining the resin of pine root, which is a plant.
There are two types of oil, one that does not dry and the other that does dry.
乾く油 Drying oil | 乾かない油 Non-drying oil |
テレピン油・灯油・荏胡麻油・桐油 Turpentine oil, kerosene, perilla oil, tung oil | 菜種油・サラダ油など Canola oil, salad oil, etc. |
Turpentine is classified as drying oil and volatile oil. It is a volatile, highly dissolving liquid. There is no fixing force by that much.
In oil paintings, terepine is considered a solvent that adds fluidity to the brush and improves brush handling.
Even in the case of lacquer, using it for dilution reduces the viscosity and makes it easier to apply. When solidifying the Maki-e powder, the lacquer can be liquefied to make it easier to soak. By diluting with “Fuki-urushi”, it becomes easier to soak into the wood. Also, diluting the lacquer slows down the drying process, so slow drying makes it less likely to turn black when it dries.
In the case of oil paintings, it is said that if you use too much telepin, the gloss will be lost, but lacquer seems to be easy to get gloss.
The best oil used for refining lacquer is dry vegetable oil (perilla oil, tung oil). However, from the aspect of price, it is said that it was very disappointing because it has a history of mixing various oils into lacquer to lower the price and damaging the reputation and credibility of lacquer.
In addition, if there is a state in which the lacquer does not dry well due to the large amount of this mixture, it is also said to cause lacquer rash. I don’t know at first glance, but it is believed that the fact that the skin is irritated with cheap lacquer ware is such a factor.
純テレピンとテレピン Pure telepin and telepin

At the lacquer shop, it is sold separately as pure telepin and telepin.
Pure telepin is a little more expensive. The reason seems to be the difference between natural plant and artificial blend petroleum. Since pure terepine in nature has lower solubility, it seems that it will be diluted with a larger amount than normal terepine.
Personally, I use pure terepine for dilution.
テレピンの希釈以外の用途 Uses other than dilution of terepine
For purposes other than diluting terepine, it can be used to wipe or wash lacquer on surface plates and spatulas by utilizing the solubility of terepine in lacquer.
Those who do not use terepine for dilution may be mainly used for this purpose.
You can also use ethanol-based cleaning alcohol to wipe the spatula. Turpentine has a strong odor, so some people use alcohol, which has a mild odor. In that case, some people do not use Telepin itself at all.
I personally use benzine for wiping. Oil remains when using terepine, so wipe it off with benzine after use. In other words, we use terepine only when diluting.
テレピンの危険性 Dangers of telepin
Telepin is a natural product from plants, but as mentioned above, it has a fairly strong odor.
In Japan, terepine is an organic solvent and is classified as Danger Class Ⅱor Ⅲ.

(純テレピンの場合はⅢでした。In the case of pure telepin, it was Ⅲ.)
Artificially made turpentine seems to be more dangerous than pure turpentine.
テレピンの注意事項 Telepin precautions
- 火気厳禁・引火注意
- 誤って飲み込んで気道に侵入すると生命に危険のおそれ
- 皮膚刺激
- アレルギー性皮膚反応を起こすおそれ
- 目に入らないように十分注意
- よく換気して使用すること
- しっかり密閉して保存すること
- 換気の良い場所で保管すること
- Strictly prohibited from fire and caution against ignition
- If swallowed accidentally and invades the respiratory tract, it may be life-threatening.
- Skin irritation
- May cause allergic skin reaction
- Be careful not to get it in your eyes.
- Store tightly sealed
- Store in a well-ventilated place
Of course, care must be taken when handling other solvents such as kerosene and camphor oil other than terepine.
It is rarely used in lacquering, and it is not used in such a large amount, but it must be properly ventilated. Precautions are always clearly written on the containers of these solvents.
I haven’t covered the dangers of handling so much in the references, but I dared to describe it.
Also, I think that proper use is necessary for diluting lacquer, and it should not be overdone.
And, as I write many times on my blog, each person has their own way of thinking and way of thinking. There is no correct answer there. I’m not wrong. I think there are many things in the world that are good for that person but not for others. I don’t think it can be decided because it is not known until you try it.
Since lacquering has a long history, there are various methods and ways of thinking.
I hope you can use this blog as a reference only.
参考文献 References
- 社団法人 日本漆工協会編 『やさしく身につく漆のはなし その1』,1995
- 社団法人 日本漆工協会編 『六角大壌・人と仕事(図解・解説による蒔絵の技法・図案遺稿等)』,1986