The other day, there was an introduction of Wajima lacquer on a TV program, and I was very happy to hear from the explanation of lacquer scraping. Since the program time is limited on TV, it is often omitted and I always felt lack of explanation. Therefore, this time, I would like to continue posting lacquer and post in detail about lacquer scraping to collect sap.
Since I am not a raftsman who has been lacquer scratching for a long time, I will summarize it based on the reference materials and the experience of lacquer scratching experience when I was at school.
I think the lacquer scratching season is approaching the end of this year as well. This lacquer Urushi scraping is mainly only in the Asian region, but the method of scraping lacquer differs depending on the country.
日本の漆掻き Lacquer Urushi scratching in Japan
日本の漆産地 lacquer urushi producing area in Japan
70% 岩手県 二戸市浄法寺町 Joboji Town, Ninohe City, Iwate Prefecture 20% 茨城県 常陸大宮市/大子町など Hitachiomiya City, Ibaraki Prefecture / Daigo Town, etc. 他 北海道〜高知県まで各所あります。 There are other places from Hokkaido to Kochi prefecture. (北海道/網走市 青森県/弘前市 秋田県/湯沢市 山形県/真室川村、長井市 福島県/会津若松市、喜多方市 新潟県/村上市 群馬県/上野村 石川県/輪島市、長野県/長野市、松本市、木曽町 岐阜県/飛騨市 京都府/福知山市 奈良県/曽爾村 岡山県/真庭市、新見市 広島県/安芸太田町 徳島県/三好市 高知県/大豊町) (Hokkaido-Abashiri City Aomori Prefecture-Hirosaki City Akita Prefecture-Yuzawa City Yamagata Prefecture-Mamurogawa Village, Nagai City Fukushima Prefecture-Aizuwakamatsu City, Kitakata City Niigata Prefecture-Murakami City Gunma Prefecture-Ueno Village Ishikawa Prefecture-Wajima City Nagano Prefecture-Nagano City, Matsumoto City, Kiso Town Gifu Prefecture-Hida City Kyoto Prefecture-Fukuchiyama City Nara Prefecture-Sonimura Okayama Prefecture-Maniwa City, Niimi City Hiroshima Prefecture-Akiota Town Tokushima Prefecture-Miyoshi City Kochi Prefecture-Otoyo Town)
日本の漆掻きは北海道から高知県まで色々な箇所でされています。漆器の産地は 日本全国にありますので、日本国内旅行でも漆に焦点を当ててみると各産地の特色や土地柄が垣間見れて面白いかと思います。
Lacquer scraping is performed in various places from Hokkaido to Kochi prefecture in Japan. Lacquer ware is produced all over Japan, so if you focus on lacquer even when traveling in Japan, it will be interesting to get a glimpse of the characteristics and land patterns of each production area.
Next, there are two main ways to scrape lacquer.
「養生掻き」と「殺し掻き」”Curing scratching” and “killing scratching”
「養生掻き」「Curing scratching」
大体4年〜5年かけて ウルシを育てながら、数年に一度の頻度で漆の樹液を採取するという方法 It takes about 4 to 5 years. A method of collecting lacquer sap once every few years while growing lacquer
「殺し掻き」「Killing scratching」
*In Japan, lacquer urushi is now being collected by this “killing and scratching” method.
1年で漆の採取を終えて、その後は掻き終わった木を伐採するという ウルシから樹液を採り尽くす方法 A method of collecting sap from lacquer, which is to finish collecting lacquer in one year and then cut down the scraped trees. 伐採後は、種子から苗を育ててそれを植栽か 切り株から新芽が出て、15年程度で再び漆掻きができるようになります。 After logging, seedlings are grown from seeds and planted or sprouts emerge from stumps, and in about 15 years you will be able to scratch lacquer again. 若い木の場合、栄養が木の成長に向けられ樹液の出る量が少ないとされ 15年〜20年経ったものが樹液採取に向いているとされています。 In the case of young trees, it is said that nutrients are directed toward the growth of the tree and the amount of sap produced is small, and those 15 to 20 years old are suitable for sap collection.
In the Edo period, candles were also obtained from the fruits of urushi, so “Curing scratching” carried out. Since the beginning of the Meiji era, the demand for urushi sap has increased, and “Killing scratching” has become the mainstream method for collecting a large amount of urushi sap, and “Killing scratching” has become common in Japan. It is said that “Curing scratching” is carried out in China and Vietnam.
採取時期と原則 Urushi sap collection time and principle
漆掻きを行う時期:約半年 6月中旬くらい〜11月下旬まで
Time to scratching: Approximately half a year
From mid-June to late November
Divide a certain area of lacquer urushi forest into four equal parts, and scratch them for a total of four days, one day each, and repeat this process.
Why divide it into four equal parts? .. ..
Craftsmen do not scratch the same tree every day. While scratching another tree, the previously scratched tree will be rested for at least 4 days so that the tree will produce good quality lacquer the next time it is scratched. Basically, it is every 4 days, and rainy days are not counted as holidays. On rainy days, the trees get wet and it is said that the lacquer does not come out well, so lacquer scraping is stopped in the rain.
Collecting urushi sap after 4 days is called “Yokkayama” in Japanese.
The lacquer craftsman who started ” Killing scratching” in the Meiji era worked hard, faced Urushi every day, and after trial and error, “Instead of scratching lacquer every day, the average rule is that the craftsman must wait four days. With the knowledge that there is, it has been handed down at any moment.
樹液のある場所 Where the sap in the tree is
A large amount of lacquer sap is accumulated between the bark and the wood.
In other words, when peeling, you have to be careful not to damage the quality of the wood in the back. This is more difficult than you can see in the video.
When the lacquer tree is damaged, the lacquer liquor releases the sap like a plaster and tries to harden it. It’s the same as human beings bleeding and gradually solidifying.
漆掻き職人「掻き子」の作業暦 Work calendar of lacquer craftsman “Kakiko”
We will follow the work of lacquer scraping starting from the beginning of June in order.
6月初旬 Early June
<山入り Yamairi>Entering the mountain ウルシの木の根元周辺の草刈り Mowing around the root of the lacquer tree →→→ ・風通しを良くするため To improve ventilation ・漆掻き作業の足場を確保するため To secure a foothold for scratching work
6月中旬〜下旬 Mid to late June
<目立て Metate> ウルシの葉が展開してきた頃、初めての傷を付ける Craftsmen make their first wounds when the lacquer leaves unfold →→→ ★基準となる目印のため(長さ3cmくらい) For a reference mark (about 3 cm in length) ・直径15cm程度の木:右側に5ヶ所 Tree with a diameter of about 15 cm: 5 places on the right side 1番下の傷は根元から24cm、 その傷から36cm間隔で樹皮を削ってから傷をつける ★この傷から出た漆液は採取しません。 漆の木に「採りますよ〜」の合図となります。 The bottom wound is 24 cm from the root, Shave the bark at intervals of 36 cm from the scratch and then scratch it. ★ The lacquer liquid from this wound will not be collected. It will be a signal of "I will pick it up" on the lacquer tree. <二辺(上げ山)second sides (raised mountain)> 樹皮を少し広め(二辺・三辺分)に削り、 1本目の傷から5mm程度上の箇所に目立てよりもやや大きく傷をつける(5〜6cm) ★この傷から出た樹液は採取します。 Shave the bark a little wider (for the second and third sides), Make a scratch slightly larger than the sharpening on the part about 5 mm above the first scratch (5 to 6 cm). ★ Collect the sap from this wound. <三辺 Third side> 二辺目と同じくらいに傷を付け、 傷を付けた所の真ん中あたりに少しだけメサシを使って刺す 樹液を掻き取る →→→採取はじめて間もないので、樹液の採取量は少ないです。 Scratch as much as the second side, Stab with a little mess around the middle of the scratched area Scrape the sap →→→ The amount of sap collected is small because the craftsmen have just started collecting it. 二辺・三辺を掻く頃は、ウルシの花も咲く時期です。 By the time you scratch the second and third sides, the lacquer flower is also in bloom.
7月初旬〜中旬 Early to mid-July
<四辺 Fourth side> 樹皮を削って、三辺目の5mm程度下に傷を付ける 傷を付けた3分の1程度メサシを使って刺し通す 樹液を掻き取る Shave the bark and scratch about 5mm below the third side. Prick through with about one-third of the scratched mess Scrape the sap <五辺 Fifth side> 樹皮を削って、四辺目の5mm程度下に傷を付ける 傷を付けた所の半分程度メサシを使って刺し通す 樹液を掻き取る Shave the bark and scratch about 5mm below the fourth side. Use a mess to pierce about half of the scratched area. Scrape the sap ★五辺あたりから採取量が増えてきます。 ★ The amount collected will increase from around the 5th side <六辺 Sixth side> 樹皮を削って。五辺目の5mm程度下に傷を付ける 傷を付けた所の4分の3(※両端を残す)程度メサシを使って刺し通す 樹液を掻き取る Shave the bark and scratch about 5mm below the fifth side. Use a mess to pierce about three-quarters of the scratched area (* leave both ends). Scrape the sap <七辺 Seventh side> 樹皮を削って、六辺目の5mm程度下に傷を付ける 傷を付けた所の端から端までメサシを使って刺し通す 樹液を掻き取る Shave the bark and scratch about 5mm below the sixth side Use a mess to pierce the scratched area from end to end Scrape the sap ★11月まで続く漆搔きで、木にストレスを与えないため少しずつ採取します。 ★このメサシの刺し方など細かいことは、 漆搔き職人によって異なり、木の具合や温度湿度によって変えたりするそうです。 あまりここで採取しすぎてしまうと後の時期の採取量に影響があると言われています。 ★この二辺〜七辺目前後を「初辺」といい、初辺で取れた漆は「初漆」と言われます。 ★ The lacquer will be scratched until November, so collect it little by little to avoid stressing the trees. ★ Details such as how to stab this scalpel It depends on the lacquer craftsman, and it depends on the condition of the wood and the temperature and humidity. It is said that if you collect too much here, it will affect the amount collected at a later time. ★ The area around the 2nd to 7th sides is called the "first side", and the lacquer taken on the first side is called the "first lacquer".
「初漆」の特徴 Features of “first lacquer”
- 水分が多く、山吹色を濃くした色合い Many moisture content, color tone was darker bright yellow
- 酸味のある香り Sour scent
- 乾燥が早い Drys quickly
7月下旬〜8月下旬 Late July-late August
<八辺〜十五辺 8th to 15th sides> 七辺目と同様のやり方を天候とウルシの具合で続けていきます。 The craftsman will continue the same method as the 7th side depending on the weather and the condition of the urushi. この間の漆は採取量が多いため「盛辺(さかりへん)」といい、 盛辺で採れた漆は「盛漆(さかりうるし)」と言います。 The amount of lacquer collected during this period is large, so it is called "Sakarihen". The lacquer collected in Sakarihen is called "Sakari Urushi". この時期は梅雨も明け、夏の土用の日からお盆過ぎ頃までの漆は量、質に最盛期を迎えます。 During this period, the rainy season is over and the quantity and quality of lacquer reaches its peak.
「盛漆」の特徴 Features of “Sakari lacquer”
- 他の時期に採れた漆よりも色、粘りなど品質が高い Higher quality such as color and stickiness than lacquer scraped at other times
- 山吹色 Yellowish skin color
- 艶がいい Glossy
- ほのかに甘い香りがする It has a faint sweet scent
As mentioned above, it is suitable for black lacquer and transparent lacquer for topcoating because of its good quality.
Of these, lower-grade products with low water content are also used for undercoating.
At the “Yaku no Ki to Urushi no Yakata” in Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto Prefecture, the explanation of Tanba lacquer’s lacquer scratching is displayed firmly. If you are interested, please check the website or search before you go.
(写真は学校の研修でお世話になった京都府福知山市の丹波漆の漆掻きですThe photo shows the lacquer scraping of Tanba lacquer in Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto Prefecture, which was taken care of during my school training.)
9月 September
<十六辺〜二十辺前後 16th side ~ around double side> この間の漆はもう漆掻きも辺掻きも最後の時期なので「末辺(すえへん)」といい。 末辺で採れた漆は「末漆(すえうるし)」と言います。 この時期はだんだんと朝が冷え込むようになり、 木の葉も色づき始め、冬に向けての準備を始めようとします。 The lacquer during this period is the last time for both lacquer scraping and side scraping, so it is called "Suehen". The lacquer collected at the end is called "Sue Urushi". During this time, the morning gradually got colder, The leaves are also beginning to color and are about to begin preparing for the winter.
「末漆」の特徴 Features of “Sue Urushi”
- 盛漆に比べて白っぽいこと It is whitish compared to “Sakari-urushi”
- 粘り気が強いこと Sticky
- 甘い香りが強いことStrong sweet scent
Although the quality is said to be inferior to that of “Sakari-urushi”, it is also used for topcoating.
10月初旬〜中旬 Early to mid-October
<裏目掻き Uramekaki>Scratching the back 落葉を迎える頃 辺掻きを終えて約10日後に、 目立ての下と今まで掻いた辺の上に半周する傷をつけ、 ハシゴを使って幹の上方部にも傷をつけて今まで手を付けていなかった所から樹液を採取します。 Approximately 10 days after finishing the side scraping around the time of the fallen leaves, make a half-circle scratch under the first scratched wound on the tree and on the side that has been scratched so far, and use a ladder to make a half-circle on the upper part of the tree trunk. Also scratch and collect sap from places that have not been touched before. この裏目掻きで採られた漆は「裏目漆(うらめうるし)」と言います。 The lacquer collected by this back-scraping is called "Urame-urushi".
「裏目漆」の特徴 Features of “Urame lacquer”
- 末漆よりも白っぽい Whiter than “Sue-urushi”
- 粘性が強い Strong viscosity
10月下旬〜11月初旬 Late October-early November
<留め掻き Tome-gaki> 木を一回りする傷をつけて採取し、漆液の流れ、人間でいう血液の循環を完全に遮断します。 この留め掻きで採られた漆は「留め漆」と言います。 このように最後の一滴まで余す所なく樹液をいただきます。 It is collected with a wound that goes around the tree, completely blocking the flow of lacquer and the blood circulation in humans. The lacquer collected by this scraping is called "Tome-urushi". In this way, the craftsman receives all the sap until the last drop.
「留め漆」の特徴 Features of “Tome-urushi”
- 裏目漆よりさらに白っぽい Even more whitish than “Urame-urushi”
- 水分量が少なく、粘っこい Small amount of water, sticky
It is of low quality and is mainly used for undercoating.
11月下旬 Late November
<伐採 Logging> 最後の一滴まで採られたウルシの木は伐採されます。 人間が動物のお肉を動物を殺していだたくように、 ウルシの木も殺して、木の生の血液、樹液を恵んでいただいています。 「殺し掻き」という名前は残酷な言い方のようですが、 ウルシの木の命をいただいているんだと実感する方法名です。 Tree of lacquer taken until the last drop will be cut down. Just as humans beat animal meat to kill animals We also killed the lacquer tree and are blessed with the raw blood and sap of the tree. The name "Killing scratching" seems to be cruel, but it is a method name that makes you realize that you are receiving the life of the lacquer tree.
The amount of lacquer that can be obtained from one lacquer tree is only about 200 g, which is about the size of one milk bottle. The lacquer tree that has grown over 15 to 20 years will be cut down, so I must never forget that the next harvest will be 15 years later, and that much precious sap will be used. I think I have to keep in mind.
採取した漆の貯蔵 Storage of collected lacquer
The collected lacquer is placed in a wooden barrel and covered with a lid to prevent it from coming into contact with the air. In addition, it is stored separately according to the time of harvest.
Then ferment for about a month.
During fermentation, check each time the lid paper swells and degas.
After fermentation, remove the lid paper, remove the lacquer that has hardened on the edges, and then reattach the lid paper so that there are no gaps. If necessary, re-cover the lid so that there is no gap between the lid and the lacquer.
It is said that storage is suitable for a cool place with little temperature difference.
The sap collected has various characteristics, such as the condition of the lacquer tree, the weather, the year and time of harvest, and the scratching habits of lacquer craftsmen. Next, lacquer is refined by a craftsman who is familiar with it, a lacquer shop.
Since it is refined by lacquer shops and, of course, by humans, the dryness of lacquer varies from lot to lot and tube. Basically, the materials produced by so many craftsmen are rare in the world.
ユネスコ世界文化遺産 UNESCO World Cultural Heritage
「漆掻き技術」「漆精製技術」を含む「伝統建築工匠の技 木造建造物を受け継ぐための伝統技術」がユネスコ無形文化遺産登録されました。
2021 “Traditional technique for inheriting wooden structures” including “lacquer scraping technique” and “lacquer refining technique” described so far has been registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
(Reference: Agency for Cultural Affairs announcement PDF ↓)
I hope that the efforts of lacquer craftsmen and lacquer refiners will bear fruit, that the value and correct understanding of lacquer will be known to as many people as possible, and that a gut sustainable cycle that connects wonderful traditional techniques will be created.
参考文献 References
- 室瀬和美 田端雅進 監修/阿部芳郎 宮腰哲雄 他『地域資源を活かす生活工芸双書 漆1漆掻きと漆工 ウルシ利用』.農文協,2018
- 松田権六『うるしの話』.岩波文庫,
- 三田村有純『漆とジャパン 美の謎を追う』. 里文出版,2005
- 熊野谿從『21世紀を支える夢の物質 漆のお話』.文芸社,2012