Inro is the ultimate in art and fine crafts in the palm of human hands. Inro of Mito Komon is famous in Japan, but inro as an arts and crafts is highly evaluated overseas and has many collectors. In addition, many “Maki-e” inro are produced.
This time, I would like to summarize a little about the history of the inro.
印籠の用途の移り変わり Changes in the use of inro
Inro is said to be a small container that was originally developed in Japan.
年代 Era | 出来事 Event | 入れた物 What put in | 用途 Use |
飛鳥時代 Asuka Period | 中国から印章・印判入れが伝わる Stamp and box for stamp is transmitted from China | 印判 stamp | (置き型)実用 (Placing type) Practical |
室町時代 Muromachi Period | 印章:書画に用いる程度 袋を腰に下げて、必要なものを持ち運ぶ携帯文化習慣、誕生 Stamp: Used for calligraphy (infrequently) Birth of a mobile culture custom that hangs a bag on the waist and carries what they need | 印判 stamp | (置き型)実用 (Placing type) Practical |
戦国時代 Sengoku period | 署名の略式としての印章文化の浸透 →印鑑を携帯する(印籠の登場) 1段目に印石、2段目に印肉と分けて収納 数種類の薬を持ち運ぶのに、頑丈な積み重ねの容器として印鑑入れを薬入れとしても活用 Penetration of the stamp culture as a summary of signature → Carry a stamp (appearance of an inro) Stored separately from the stamp stone on the first stage and the stamp meat on the second stage Use the stamp holder as a medicine container as a sturdy stacking container to carry several types of medicine | 印鑑・薬 Stamp / medicine | (携帯)実用 (Mobile) Practical |
安土・桃山時代 Azuchi-Momoyama period | キリスト教の伝来 ★蒔絵品:西洋へ漆器が大量に渡る Christianity is transmitted to Japan ★ Maki-e: A large amount of lacquer ware goes to the West | ||
江戸時代(初期) Edo period (early) | 武将や武士の間で印籠を持つ習慣が浸透 家紋などをあしらい、権力や地位を表す象徴としても活用 蒔絵印籠の出現 The custom of holding an inro pervades among military commanders and samurai Treated with family crests, etc., used as a symbol of power and status Appearance of Makie Inro | 印鑑・薬 Stamp / medicine | (携帯)実用 (Mobile) Practical |
江戸時代(中期) Edo period (mid-term) | 町人の間にも印籠を持つ習慣が流布 →男女共に外出の際の必需品 The custom of holding inro is spread among the townspeople → Necessary items for both men and women when going out | 薬 medicine | (携帯)実用 (Mobile) Practical |
江戸時代(後期) Edo period (late) | TPOに応じて、お洒落を演出する小道具としての役割も果たす →一人で複数個、所有 様々な印籠の登場 →愛玩品へ Depending on the TPO, it also plays a role as a prop to produce fashion → One person owns more than one Appearance of various inro → To collection items | 薬 medicine | (携帯) 実用/観賞 (Mobile) Practical / ornamental |
幕末・明治時代 Bakumatsu / Meiji era | より細密で精巧な印籠の登場 →美術工芸品化・海外へ多く輸出 →多くの海外コレクターを生む The emergence of more detailed and elaborate inro → Making arts and crafts ・ Exporting many products overseas → Produces many overseas collectors | – | 観賞/コレクション Ornamental / Collection |
In this way, inro was a must-have item for Japanese people in the Edo period.
Also, the tastes of the samurai and the townspeople were different.
- 武家:格調の高い めでたい日の出、勇壮な鷹、高潔な山水図など
- 町人:ちょっとした粋の世界に通じるような庶民の生活を題材にしたもの
- Samurai: magnificent highly auspicious sunrise, heroic hawk, virtuous landscape view, etc.
- Townspeople:A theme of the life of a slightly stylish ordinary person
Not only the decoration, but also the modeling itself has various shapes, and there are a wide variety. You can feel the cultural peace of Japan, an island nation, without any invasion from multiple ethnic groups, because it was so playful and colorful.
And Japan has undergone a major transformation due to the Meiji Restoration.
Of course, the impact of the change in structure due to the change of power in various fields was great. Many lacquer artists also lost their jobs due to the loss of power of the shogunate and daimyo, who had been important supporters of lacquer artists.
Under such circumstances, it is said that many lacquer artists who made a living as specialized lacquer artists of inro survived because the inro was highly evaluated overseas. It is also said that the inro at that time was intended for export.
The economic and cultural development of Japan’s great inclination toward westernization is a good achievement of the people who lived hard in that era. However, at the same time, the Japanese themselves firmly evaluated the wonderful traditional crafts and arts that were inherited and accumulated from the ancient people of their own country, and did not leave them as precious treasures in their own country, so most of the masterpieces and excellent products of Inro leaked overseas.
I also learned this fact after I started studying lacquer work myself. I have come to see inro at Japanese exhibitions, but there are certainly not many inro in Japan. And I feel that there are few opportunities to see it.
印籠の展示場所 Inro exhibition place (in Japan)
In Japan, the inro is permanently displayed in a corner of the case on the 2nd floor of the main building of the Tokyo National Museum.
I also think that there will be exhibitions such as the Kiyomizu Sannenzaka Museum in Kyoto, the Mitsui Memorial Museum in Tokyo, and the Tokyo Fuji Museum. Also, if there is something you can think of, I will update and describe it.
(写真 Photos)↓清水三年坂美術館へ続く道と入口 Road and entrance to Kiyomizu Sannenzaka Museum
In addition, there is an inro museum in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture, which specializes in inro, and it was recommended by senior lacquer painters, but unfortunately it was already closed.
海外の美術館 Overseas museums
In fact, many inro are exhibited at the Japanese art exhibitions in overseas museums, so I would like to go see them when Corona calms down a little more.
(写真 Photos)↓ホノルル美術館の印籠コレクション Honolulu Museum of Art Inro Collection(Photography Allowed)
Many overseas collectors publish many collector’s books, but many of the inro books in them are really wonderful. Many books about Inro are foreign books, and I am collecting many books that I have not opened yet. The possession of inro masterpieces overseas limits the ability of specialists to carry out restoration, investigation, and management. Being overseas always adds risks such as transportation.
I personally hope that Inro will be highly evaluated, and that research and technology will be elucidated in a good economic cycle, and that it will become a part of one important academic discipline and education that will connect traditional Japanese crafts in the future.
I would like to take up the Makie Inro little by little from now on.
参考文献 References
- 村田理如『清水三年坂美術館コレクション 印籠名品集』.淡交社,2011
- 別冊太陽『骨董をたのしむ4 印籠と根付』.平凡社,1995
- 文化庁監修『日本の美術2 No.93 柴田是真』.至文堂,1974
- 古美術緑青1990秋No.1『伊万里向付の変遷・江戸の粋 印籠・松川二十五菩薩像』.マリア書房,1990