Finally, the moving work and the tidying up of the work room are over.

This time, the work room has been renewed and the number of things to work on has increased, so I purchased an additional Urushi-Muro.

I bought “Urushimuro (Komuro) M”, which is sold at Creema, which appears at the top when I search online for “Urushimuro”. I thought that the “lacquer room” sold at the lacquer shop and the order would cost more than 100,000 yen, so it was expensive. In my case, a wine box was enough, so I was looking for an additional suitable wooden box such as a wine box. It was this Urushi-Muro that I found there.
It was a very good size because my works were small.
Unfortunately, I think this is only sold in Japan.
And because it is made firmly, it is highly sealed and the humidity is easy to rise. However, if it gets too moist, the humidity will rise immediately, so I am trying various things to make it moist. Now it is mainly used as a “Kara-Muro” with a high temperature.
It hasn’t been so long since I used it, so I can’t say anything about it, but the board is very easy to put on and use. I don’t know how much humidity can be raised in the dry winter, so I think I’ll get used to it after using it for about two years.
最近はちょっと暖かくなってきたので、ヒーターから湯たんぽに切り替えて中を温めています。この湯たんぽ、10年近く前にドイツで買ったドイツ製なのですが、まだ使っています。当時ルームシェアしていた部屋のセントラルヒーティングが9月だからまだ入らなくて、まあ結構寒くて寒くて。。。急遽 駅で買って帰った湯たんぽでした。日本の湯たんぽに似ている気がして買った気がします。
It’s getting a little warmer these days, so I’m switching from a heater to a hot water bottle to warm the inside. This hot water bottle was made in Germany, which I bought in Germany almost 10 years ago, but I’m still using it. In Germany in early September, it was colder than expected every day. .. … .. It was a hot water bottle that I bought at the station in a hurry. I think it looks like a Japanese hot water bottle and I bought it.
As for “Urushimuro”, it has been posted in the past, so there may be duplicate sentences, but I would appreciate it if you could refer to it.
漆室の温湿度調整 Adjusting the temperature and humidity of the Urushimuro
The “Urushimuro” does not require that much humidity range because the conditions are the same every time it is dried when only Suri-urushi is used. However, when painting, prepare a Urushimuro with different humidity and dry it step by step. It is called as follows as a finer classification in Urushimuro.
- 空室(からむろ)Kara-muro・空風呂(からぶろ)Kara-buro
- 湿室(しめむろ)Shime-muro・湿風呂(しめぶろ)Shime-buro
空室 Kara-muro
As the name suggests, “Kara-muro” is a room with low humidity. In my case, the humidity of the Kara-muro is about 50-60%, and the temperature is 20 ℃ or higher. If the humidity is lower than that, the lacquer will not react properly to the humidity and will not dry for a long time. Even if the humidity is lowered, the temperature should be kept above 20 ° C as much as possible. If the temperature is too low, it will not dry at all.
Especially, the Kara-muro is used when it is applied thickly. If you put it in a humid urushimuro when you apply it thickly, it dries too quickly and shrinks, and even if you apply it cleanly, it will end in failure.
At the stage of putting it in the vacant room, change the direction of placing it in a certain minute unit and carefully observe the dryness of the lacquer. If you don’t see much change, it may dry too slowly.In that case, raise the humidity a little.
If you want to make the color of the colored urushi brighter, apply it to the Kara-muro for a long period of several months and then continue to put it in to dry it slowly. It slows down the reaction of the urushi so that it does not turn black, giving it a vibrant color.
湿室 Shime-muro
In my case, I will prepare the Shime-muro in two stages.
- 湿度70%〜75%前後、温度20℃以上のもの
- 湿度80%〜85%前後、温度23℃前後のもの
- Humidity around 70% to 75%, temperature 20 ° C or higher
- Humidity around 80% to 85%, temperature around 23 ° C
Move to the Shime-muro ① after checking the dryness and time of the lacquer in the Kara-muro and the condition of the urushi. This is also difficult and can cause shrinkage depending on when you move. The surface becomes dry and moves at a safe timing after a certain amount of time.
Please refer to the past posts regarding Chijimi.
Then move to the Shime-muro ② after you are sure that it will be almost dry and will not shrink. The urushi is completely cured by leaving it here for a while. Depending on how dry the urushi is, dry it thoroughly in a Shime-muro for about 4days to 1 week.
空室→湿室①→湿室② と段階的に全ての室を移動か調整します。
As described above, when thickly applied,
Move or adjust all rooms in stages, such as Kara-muro → Shime-muro ① → Shime-muro ②.
In the process of Taka-age of the Maki-e work, when it is applied thickly with urushi, it is dried in the same way.
If the urushi is too unresponsive to dry in a Kara-muro, it may move to the Shime-muro 1 for a moment, or it may move flexibly from time to time.
湿室① Shime-muro①
In summary, when using the Shime-muro ①(Humidity around 70% to 75%, temperature 20 ° C or higher), it is as follows.
- 漆の厚塗り時(空室からの段階的硬化)
- 漆の薄塗り時(最初から湿室①→完全硬化後湿室②へ)
- 拭き漆(希釈してない漆を乾かす時にあまり黒くしたくないとき)
- When applying thick Urushi (when gradually hardening from a Kara-muro)
- When applying a thin coat of Urushi (from the beginning to the Shime-muro ① → after complete curing to the Shime-muro ②)
- Fuki-urushi (when you don’t want to make it too black when you dry undiluted urushi)
※Carefully consider the thickness of the coating and the curing time of the Urushi to be used, and put it in the Urushi-muro according to it.
湿室② Shime-muro②
Humidity around 80% -85%, temperature around 23 ° C
- 下地漆の硬化
- ほとんどの漆塗りの最終硬化
- 蒔絵の粉蒔後の硬化
- スリ漆/拭き漆
- Hardening of the base Urushi
- Final curing of most Urushi
- Hardening of Maki-e work after sprinkling powder
- Suri-urushi/Fuki-urushi
It is also a Shime-muro that is indispensable for drying well.
The desired humidity varies depending on the process of the work, so it is necessary to prepare a urushimuro according to it. Please note that if you inadvertently put all the processes in the Urushimuro in the same environment, it will fail.
湿度の上げ方 How to raise the humidity
The method of raising the humidity is not a machine, so it is very primitive.
- 霧吹きで水を拭きかける
- 濡れ雑巾を置く
- 濡れ雑巾で室の中を拭く
- 湯たんぽやヒーターで漆室を温めて温度を上げる→湿度も上がる
- Wipe the water with a spray bottle
- Place a wet cloth
- Wipe the inside of the Muro with a wet rag
- Warm the Urushimuro with a hot water bottle or heater to raise the temperature → Humidity also rises
The temperature and humidity environment inside the Urushimuro is greatly affected by the outside environment.
In the summer, you can keep the Shime-muro even if you leave it alone, but in the winter, the humidity drops quickly, so repeat it. Humidity does not rise easily in winter, so if it is a small work, I prepare a small small box or an empty box of sweets and put it in it, and use a small Shime-muro.
As time goes by, the lacquer will harden, so if you want to dry it well, put it in a Shime-muro for a long time.
Adjusting the dryness of urushi is really an observation and experience. The content of this time is just my personal way. I think that it will change depending on people, works, land, climate, urushi and various environments, so I would appreciate it if you could use it as a reference.