I would like to introduce and summarize the lacquer work technique”Togidashi-Makie”, which is considered to be the most difficult one of the lacquer work techniques, based on the references and my own experience. This post is particularly long. Please understand that.
蒔絵の三大技法 Three major techniques of Makie
Makie has three typical techniques. The gold powder used in this technique is mainly Hira-fun, Maru-fun, Hirame-fun, and Nashiji-fun. Please read past posts about gold powder.
- 平蒔絵 Hira-Makie
- 高蒔絵 Taka-Makie
- 研出蒔絵 Togidashi-Makie
This time, I will explain about this 3.Togidashi-Makie.
Togidashi-Makie is literally(in Japanese) a technique of “sharpening” gold powder to create a pattern.
Among the lacquer lacquer work, there are various ways to say it, such as “Hira-togidashi-Makie”, “Nashiji togidashi-Makie”, “Nerigaki togidashi-Makie”, “Ukiage togidashi-Makie”, and “Togikiri-Makie”. I would like to explain the basic method that is common.
And if you first grasp the general flow and look at the goal, then you can understand the meaning of each process. Makie is basically a long process, and if there is even one error in that long process, it will affect all subsequent processes, and the success rate will drop and it will end in failure. In addition, it is very nervous that you have to start over from the beginning due to a mistake in one process on the way. What to do about the mistake and what to watch out for are all based on the habits and experience of the person doing it. The size and strength of the hand varies from person to person, so the mistake may not apply to all people.
You may be able to understand it in your head by writing it here and teaching it in detail. However, it takes time and quantity to get intuition and feeling. And some can learn faster, others take longer. Also, if the individuality of the person is added, no one can do the same thing. As a result, many people give up and quit. I’ve failed a little less often, but I’m still failing and depressed. At such times, I go to exhibitions to change my mood and take a positive view and move forward. There are many things you can’t understand without failure. It’s also more rewarding than something that’s easy to do. If you don’t try it for the time being, nothing will start, so if you want to try it, please try it by yourself or in a lacquer art class.
And after a lot of hard work, the beauty of the lacquer work when it is completed is irreplaceable.
I would like to write as many hints as possible to think and understand. I hope my experience will be of some help to you. If you have any questions, please use the comments section or the inquiry form.
Also, to make it easier to understand, I would like to renew and update the photos and illustrations as needed.
工程の流れ Process flow
- 素地調整:平滑にする
- 地塗り(じぬり):漆を塗る
- 粉蒔き(ふんまき):金粉を蒔く
- 粉固め(ふんがため):金粉を定着させる
- 上塗り(うわぬり):漆を上から塗る
- 研ぎ出し:金粉を研いで出す
- すり漆:研ぎ傷を塞ぐ
- 磨き:磨いて仕上げる
- Base material adjustment: Smooth
- Ground coating (Jinuri): Apply lacquer Urushi
- Sprinkling powder (Fun-maki): Sprinkling gold powder
- Powder Harden (Fun-gatame): Fixes gold powder
- Topcoat(Uwa-nuri):Apply lacquer from above
- Sharpening: Sharpening gold powder
- Rubbing Urushi(Suri-urushi) : Closes sharpening scratches
- Polishing: Polishing and finishing

1.素地調整 Base material adjustment: Smooth
First of all, the base material for lacquer work is basically a flat and smooth polished surface regardless of whether it is a flat surface or a curved surface. If the surface is not smoothed by applying a base coat and then applying an undercoat and an intermediate coat, there is already a risk of failure. If you neglect to smooth it here, you will fall into the worst pattern of failure in sharpening the latter half of the process.
I will omit the detailed explanation of the base process, but the methods and standards vary from person to person. The lacquer work is done on the bare ground where the surface is smooth by sharpening from the coarse to fine counts.
In addition, the reference says that it is advisable to apply lacquer (Suri-urushi) as a suction stopper before lacquer painting.
The reason for doing this is that in the next process, lacquer is applied to the bare ground, gold powder is sprinkle and glued with lacquer, but if the lacquer is sucked into the bare ground too much, it takes away the power to bond the gold powder.Therefore, the gold powder will not be firmly adhered.
吸い込め止めの摺漆は、下地をしっかりしていればそんなにする必要を感じませんが、漆の乗りや弾き具合など不安な要素がある場合は一度 吸い込み止めをしてから蒔絵に入るのが良いかと思います。
I don’t feel the need to do Suri-urushi so if the groundwork is solid, but if there are uncertainties such as how the lacquer rides or how it is flipped, it is best to stop the suction and then enter the lacquer. I think it’s good.
If the surface of the lacquer is not smooth and there are many holes, the lacquer applied by surface tension will try to enter the holes, so it will be sucked in. Also, if the lacquer is not dry enough, the lacquer on the coated surface will absorb the water, causing the newly applied lacquer to be sucked in.
摺漆(すりうるし):この工程用の顔料などを混ぜていない状態のほぼそのままの漆の樹液を使います。 コットンなどに少しとって、吸込み止めをしたい面に塗り広げてテッシュや布で、きれいに全て拭き取ります。 ※拭き取り残しがある状態で乾かすとムラや研がなければならない状態になりますのでしっかり確認してから乾かします。 Suri-urushi: Uses the sap of lacquer as it is without mixing pigments for this process. Take a little on cotton, spread it on the surface you want to prevent suction, and wipe it off with a wipe or cloth. * If you dry it with Forgetting to wipe, it will be uneven or need to be sharpened, so check it carefully before drying.
2.地塗り Ground coating (Jinuri): Apply lacquer Urushi
After smooth sharpening, apply lacquer with a brush to the place where you want to sow the gold powder on the intermediate coating surface.
The background of sprinkling, and the lacquer of the ground coating when sprinkling with blur, are applied evenly and thinly.
When drawing lines such as patterns, basically apply lightly.
なぜ薄く塗るのか?Why do you apply it thinly?
なぜ薄く塗るのか?(私の個人的見解です) ・ムラを無くすため 特に薄く塗るとムラが見つけやすいです。ムラなく塗る方法の一つとも言えます。 また厚く塗るとどこが厚くなっているのかというのは目視では非常に注意深く見ないとと中々難しいです。 乾いてから固まると厚塗り箇所が鮮明に現れます。 一度乾いてしまうと研ぎ落とすのは非常に時間がかかるのでこの段階での注意は重要です。 ・金粉に余分な漆を付かせないため 厚く塗った上に金粉を蒔くとその金粉の丸い形状の表面に漆が粉自体の表面張力で引っ張られるようにまとわりつきます。多少はいいのですが、あまりに厚く塗ってしまうとそれが後の研ぎの工程で輪っかのように出てきてしまったり、埋まりすぎて金粉を上手く出せない要因になります。 Why do you apply it thinly? (My personal view) ・ To eliminate unevenness Especially when applied thinly, unevenness is easy to find. It can be said to be one of the methods to apply evenly. Also, it is difficult to know where is thicker if you apply it thickly unless you look very carefully visually. When it dries and then hardens, the thick coating will appear clearly. It is important to note at this stage as it takes a very long time to sharpen once it dries. ・ To prevent extra lacquer from sticking to gold powder When gold powder is sown on a thick coat, the lacquer clings to the round surface of the gold powder as if it were pulled by the surface tension of the powder itself. It's a little good, but if you apply it too thick, it will come out like a ring in the subsequent sharpening process, or it will be too buried and it will be a factor that you can not get gold powder well.
In order to eliminate unevenness, we may use the medicine wrapping paper introduced in the previous post to press the paper to remove or even out the thick coating.
薄塗りのための筆の使い方 how to use the brush for thin coating
薄塗りのための筆の使い方のポイント ・筆に含ませる漆は少なく あまり多く最初から漆をとって塗ってしまうと、後に取り除くのが大変で厚くなってしまいます。 ・手早く動かす あまり筆の止まっている時間が長いとその分、漆がそこに溜まってしまうので早く塗ります。 ・塗り残しがないかよく確認 塗り残しがあると粉が乗らないので、ちゃんと塗れているかムラの確認と一緒に確認します。 Points on how to use the brush for thin coating ・ Less lacquer is included in the brush If you take too much lacquer from the beginning and apply it, it will be difficult to remove it later and it will become thick. ・ Move quickly If the brush is stopped for too long, the lacquer will accumulate there, so apply it quickly. ・ Check carefully if there are any unpainted areas If there is any unpainted residue, the powder will not get on it, so check that it is applied properly together with checking for unevenness.
After applying, sow gold powder as much as possible before it gets dusty.
3.粉蒔き Sprinkling powder (Fun-maki)
As I explained in my previous post on sprinkling tools, I use a hair stick or a powder tube to sprinkle gold powder.
Basically, when there are many types of powder to sprinkle, sprinkle in order from the largest powder.
大きい粉から蒔く Sprinkle from large powder
なぜ大きい粉から蒔くのか? 小さい粉から先に蒔くと小さい粉の上に大きい粉がのります。 そうするとその大きい粉には漆が付いていない場合があり、そうすると取れやすく蒔いても次の工程で取れてしまいせっかくの貴重な金粉を無駄にすることになります。 大きい粉から蒔けば、小さい粉は大きい粉の間に入りこみ、凸凹を埋める役割も果たしてくれます。 私は色々な粉の大小の組み合わせを試していますが、 基本的には大体2号分の大きさの範囲で粉を入れ込んで蒔くと研ぎ出しやすくなると言われています。 例えば11号を蒔いた後に、10号や9号を入れ込んだり、10号の後に8号を入れたりします。 また平目粉の方が丸粉より大きいので平目粉と丸粉を併用する場合は平目粉を先に蒔きます。 大きい粉をどれくらい蒔いて、次の段階の小さい粉をどれくらい蒔くかの加減は、 その絵の表現などによって人それぞれです。 Why sprinkle from large powder? If you sprinkle the small powder first, the large powder will be placed on top of the small powder. If you do so, the large powder may not have lacquer attached, so even if you sprinkle it easily, it will be removed in the next process and you will waste precious gold powder. If you sprinkle from the large powder, the small powder will get in between the large powders and will also fill in the irregularities. I'm trying different large and small combinations of powders, Basically, it is said that it will be easier to sharpen if you put powder in the range of about the size of No. 2 and sow it. For example, after sprinkling No. 11, put No. 10 and No. 9, or put No. 8 after No. 10. Also, since Hirame-fun is larger than Maru-fun, when using both powder together, sprinkle the Hirame-fun first. How much large powder is sprinkled and how much small powder is sprinkled in the next stage depends on the expression of the pictorial pattern.
After sprinkling, be careful not to damage or move the sprinkled powder by touching it with your hands. * Put it in the room(Muro). Dry thoroughly in a room with an environment of 20 ° C or higher and 80% or higher for 1 day or longer.
室 Muro
※室(むろ) 漆を乾燥させるための部屋を室(むろ)と言います。 その時々に必要な温度と湿度が保てれれば、温湿度計で確認できて、 段ボールや木箱、衣装ケースなど塗ったものが入る箱であれば何でも使えます。 木箱の場合は、木が水分を吸って比較的温度と湿度を保ちやすいので古くから用いられています。 私は、小さいものが多いので蓋付のワインの空箱(木箱)を使っています。 埃が入らないように蓋や扉がある方が良いです。 もちろん小さい箱であれば、その分箱内の湿度は上がりやすいです。 大きさと湿度の関係はよく確認が必要です。 中に濡れ雑巾やヒーター、水の入ったお皿などを入れたり、 霧吹きで水をまいたりして湿度を上げたりします。 この調節や使い勝手も使う人自身がよく把握して使いこなす必要があります。 * Room ("Muro" in Japanese) The room for drying lacquer is called a room. If you can maintain the required temperature and humidity at that time, you can check it with a thermo-hygrometer, You can use any box that can hold painted items such as cardboard, wooden boxes, and clothes cases. Wooden boxes have been used for a long time because they absorb moisture and relatively easily maintain temperature and humidity. I use an empty wine box (wooden box) with a lid because many of them are small. It is better to have a lid or door to prevent dust from entering. Of course, if it is a small box, the humidity inside the box tends to rise accordingly. It is necessary to confirm the relationship between size and humidity. Put a wet cloth, a heater, a plate with water, etc. inside, or spray water to raise the humidity. It is necessary for the user to understand and master this adjustment and usability.
4.粉固め Powder Harden (Fun-gatame)
This is the process of firmly fixing the sprinkled powder.
The lacquer used depends on the person, but transparent lacquer such as raw lacquer ”Kijyomi-urushi”, Kijiro lacquer, and Roiro lacquer is used.
There are various types of powder hardening depending on the powder and pattern used, such as when applying a thin layer of lacquer as it is and finishing it once, or when diluting it with turpentine oil or kerosene and then twice.
I feel that basic dilution and two coats are a safe way to do it.
The reason for diluting is to prevent excess lacquer from sticking around the gold powder, just as the reason for thinning the ground coating. Also, after painting with a brush, press it with Japanese paper or a fluff-resistant tissue to remove excess lacquer and eliminate unevenness. This presser can be repeated until the lacquer does not stick, but I do it from time to time because if I press it too many times, it gets too dusty.
This drying should also be kept in a room at 20 ° C or higher and 80% or higher for 1 day or longer.
5.上塗り Topcoat (Uwa-nuri)
It is also called “Nurikomi”, and it covers all the gold powder that has been sprinkled.
The lacquer to be applied varies depending on what you want to use, but it is said that gold powder is suitable because lacquer called transparent lacquer makes the gold shine more.
The top coat is a little thicker than the ground coat, and the brush is passed through firmly and evenly, and it is applied as evenly as possible without injecting air.
Even if it becomes too thick, it will be difficult to sharpen it, so it is best to apply it so that the applied powder is high and a little visible. You may not know this thickness unless you try it and get a feel for how to apply it and how thick it is.
上塗りの乾燥 Dry topcoat
Special attention should be paid to the drying of the topcoat lacquer.
If this topcoat fails, you can go back to the original state and start over. Once it hardens, it takes a lot of time to sharpen it off, so it is better to wipe it off with a solvent before it hardens when a failure is found.
Also, dry slowly over about 4 days.
Please read past posts about the hardening mechanism of lacquer.
If the humidity is raised from the beginning, only the surface will harden at once and creases will occur. At the beginning, the humidity is around 60%, but you can’t touch it with your hands, but when you blow your breath and it becomes cloudy white and you can confirm the hardening of the surface, you will move to the stage of drying firmly at around 75% humidity.
The timing of this gradual transition of humidity is based on experience and sensation. It is necessary to apply a lot and understand the curing mechanism of lacquer well.
If it happens, it is a failure. You can return to the base of 1 by taking it immediately or sharpening it.
6.研ぎ出し Sharpening
This is the process of polishing the gold powder after the topcoat has dried. This is a difficult process.
Basically, sharpening is not done at once. Carefully sharpen at least 3 times or more. Also, if the drying is too sweet, it may cause over-sharpening failure, so sharpen the one that has been thoroughly dried. It is said that gold powder (round powder) shines most when it comes out at about 50% to 60%. After this, it just disappears gradually. Sharpen it carefully and evenly so as not to apply too much force.
It is a sharpening tool used for sharpening, but there are various cases such as when using charcoal or when using paper.
I think the basic sharpening counts are the same.
- #800相当の番手の研ぎ炭、又はペーパーで全体を研ぐ(1、2割程度)
- すり漆をする、乾かす
- 1と同じ番手で残りの6割程度研ぐ(研ぎ過ぎが心配な場合は#1000〜1500)
- すり漆をする、乾かす
- 残りの1割程度を#2000~#3000程度の番手で研ぐ
- すり漆をする、乾かす
- Sharpen the whole with # 800-equivalent sharpening charcoal or paper (about 10 to 20%)
- Rub the lacquer (Suri-urushi) and dry it
- Sharpen the remaining 60% with the same count as 1 (# 1000-1500 if you are worried about over-sharpening)
- Rub the lacquer (Suri-urushi) and dry it
- Sharpen the remaining 10% with a count of # 2000 to # 3000
- Rub the lacquer (Suri-urushi) and dry it
After each sharpening, lacquer is applied to make the surface hard, fill the scratches and make it finer, making it easier to sharpen the next time.
Also, if the lacquer is sucked in when this lacquer is applied, it dries sweetly, so stop sharpening once and cure it firmly in a humid room.
Once the sharpening is complete, it’s time to polish.
A kneaded vegetable oil and abrasive powder (some people use charcoal-ground or compound) is applied to the surface to be polished, and the whole is rubbed by hand to polish it.It called “Dou-zuri” in Japanese.
At this stage, if there are any scratches or small scratches on the surface, return to sharpening, lacquer, and rub again.
When there are no scratches, pickpocket lacquer is applied and rubbed with Deer horn powder (there is also a substitute powder called Roiro powder) and oil for final polishing.
All processes are difficult as it is, but what can be said in common with all processes is “uniformity”.
An error will occur if a strong force is applied or biased somewhere. The point is how to proceed evenly and carefully. Every process is tense and difficult, so it is best to be in good physical condition and work on it.
Thankfully, since I started blogging, I received a voice saying that I would like you to teach me how to do it, but I am not teaching it because I am currently working on my own work. In the future, I am planning various things with an eye on the future, such as allocating my work time and passing on the technique of lacquer work.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me as I will answer as long as it is useful.
参考文献 References
- 小松大秀/加藤寛『漆芸品の鑑賞基礎知識』.至文堂,1997
- 佐々木英『漆芸の伝統技法』.オーム社,1986
- 日本漆工協会編『日本漆工 六角大壌・人と仕事(図解・解説による蒔絵の技法・図案遺稿集等の)』,1986
- 柴田克哉『漆の技法』.阿部出版,2013